Prevalence of HIV-1 antiretroviral drugs resistance and viral gene mutations in patients of Sunprasitthiprasong Hospital


  • Jiraphorn Nilsakul Department Medical Technology and Clinical Pathology, Sunprasitthiprasong Hospital
  • Suriyong Boonprachern Holistic Health Center, Sunprasitthiprasong Hospital
  • Benchawan Homganjhan Biomolecular laboratory Sunprasitthiprasong Hospital


HIV-viral load, Drug resistance, Mutation


This study investigates the prevalence of antiretroviral resistance, viral gene mutations, and behaviors of HIV-infected individuals in Sunpasitthiprasong Hospital, which has been closely monitored regarding treatment and the appropriate adjustment of treatment regimens.  The study focuses on a group of infected individuals who received medical care and examination from October 1, 2021, to September 30, 2022, with 4,018 participants. The study found that 3,771 had undetectable virus levels among the infected individuals in the examination, with less than 40 copies/ml. There were 163 individuals with a viral load in the bloodstream ranging from 40 copies/ml or more. Furthermore, there were 84 individuals with a viral load equal to or exceeding 1,000 copies/ml. Among the 84 individuals tested for drug resistance, it was discovered that there were cases of drug-resistant virus found out of the 38 individuals diagnosed with antiviral drug resistance. These drug-resistant viruses belonged to the NRTI and NNRTI groups, the main antiviral drugs used for treating infected patients in Thailand. Based on the analysis of drug-resistant gene positions, it was found that the virus had mutations in the M184V and K103N gene positions, respectively. Furthermore, from studying the behavior of individuals receiving this group of antiretroviral drugs, it was discovered that infected individuals exhibited irregular antiretroviral drug intake behavior. This information can be used as a guideline for treating and monitoring HIV-infected patients to ensure their return to a state where the virus is undetectable. This will lead to an improved quality of life for the infected individuals and minimize the transmission rate to others as much as possible.  


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How to Cite

Nilsakul, J., Boonprachern, S., & Homganjhan, B. (2023). Prevalence of HIV-1 antiretroviral drugs resistance and viral gene mutations in patients of Sunprasitthiprasong Hospital. Journal of Medicine and Public Health, Ubon Ratchathani University, 6(3), 196–208. Retrieved from



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