The development of self-care potentials among patients with Tuberculosis through family and community participation


  • Dittaphol Jaisue Srimahasarakham Nursing College, Faculty of Nursing, Praboromarajchanok Institute
  • Laddawan Nampak Ban Chat Sub-District Health Promoting Hospital, Vapipathum District, Mahasarakham


Patients with tuberculosis, Self-care, Family participation, Community participation


This action research aimed to study the situation and strategies for developing and evaluating the development of self-care potential among patients with tuberculosis. The study area was a rural community in the Northeast region of Thailand. There are 34 participants involved in this study, including 14 tuberculosis patients and 20 relevant people. Data were collected using a questionnaire and group discussion. The data were analyzed by number, percentage, mean, and content analysis. The results showed that tuberculosis patients had self-care in 3 aspects: health promotion, disease prevention, and health rehabilitation. Improper self-care included personal hygiene, diet, exercise, relaxation, stress relief, smoking and drinking behaviors, tuberculosis spread prevention and control, and inconsistent medication and treatment.  Strategies used for the development and implementation are 7 strategies (7C TB CARE), consisting of creating knowledge and understanding, creating self-efficacy, creating health care skills, collaboration and ownership, case management, communication, and compliment and encouragement. After the evaluation, it was found that there was a tendency and direction in self-care that was more appropriate in all aspects, especially in disease prevention and health rehabilitation. In addition, there is collaboration learning between families and communities, and there is a 7C TB CARE strategy resulting from the participation in the development of more systematic care for tuberculosis patients. Indicates the potential of tuberculosis patients in self-care through family and community participation. Related agencies should use this in policy formulation budget support plans and continuously promote self-care of TB patients in other contexts.


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How to Cite

Jaisue, D., & Nampak, L. (2023). The development of self-care potentials among patients with Tuberculosis through family and community participation. Journal of Medicine and Public Health, Ubon Ratchathani University, 6(2), 137–148. Retrieved from



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