The effect of innovation using psychology counseling on resilience of education professionals under Covid-19 situation


  • Wuttichai Yota Student of Master of Public Health in Leadership and Innovative Health Management, College of Asian Scholars
  • Chulaporn Sota Faculty of Science and Technology, College of Asian Scholars
  • Amnaj Chanawongse Faculty of Education and Liberal Arts, College of Asian Scholars


Innovation using Psychology Counseling, Resilience Quotient, COVID-19 Situation


This research aimed to measure the effects of innovation using psychological counseling and the effects of general counseling guidelines and compare the effects of innovation using psychological counseling and general counseling guidelines on resilience between study groups and compare groups. The samples were chosen from education professionals in Khon Kaen province. They were divided into 2 groups through purposive sampling. The first group of 13 was the experimental group, using a psychological counseling program, and the second group of 13 was the comparison group using the general counseling guidelines. Each of the groups was under the study for 8 sessions of 1-2 hours each, twice a week for a total of 4 weeks. The instruments were resilience quotient tests, an innovation using a psychology counseling program, and a general counseling guideline. The statistics for data analyses were Wilcoxon Matched Pairs Signed-Ranks Test and Mann-Whitney U Test. The results revealed that: 1) The resilience quotient in the experimental group, after using the psychological counseling program, increased with a statistical significance level of 0.05 (p< 0.01), 2) The resilience quotient in the comparison group, after using the general counseling guideline, had no increase, and 3) The resilience quotient in the experimental group was different with a statistical significance level of 0.05 from those in the comparison group (p< 0.01).


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How to Cite

Yota, W., Sota, C., & Chanawongse, A. (2022). The effect of innovation using psychology counseling on resilience of education professionals under Covid-19 situation. Journal of Medicine and Public Health, Ubon Ratchathani University, 5(3), 160–169. Retrieved from



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