Lessons learned from quality-of-life management models in sub-districts of Northeastern Thailand


  • Poonarin Seekud Department of Northeastern Regional Center for Primary Health Care Development, Thailand
  • Thanawat Phumcharoenwat Department of Northeastern Regional Center for Primary Health Care Development, Thailand
  • Krissanachai Kimchai Department of Northeastern Regional Center for Primary Health Care Development, Thailand
  • Phipadpole Pinitdee Department of Northeastern Regional Center for Primary Health Care Development, Thailand


Quality-of-life management, Sub-district model, Lessons learned


This study is qualitative research aimed to study lessons learned from quality-of-life management models in sub-districts of Northeastern Thailand. The study areas selected were four sub-districts with an outstanding performance from Health Service Area 7, 8, 9, and 10. Essential information of this research was received from community leaders, network partners, community organizations, village health volunteers (VHVs), and people in the community. Research instruments were non-structured interviews combined with field notes. The researcher did in-depth interviews together with observations, focus group discussions, and the study of documentary analysis. After action review (AAR) and content analysis by present analytical description, descriptive data were analyzed. The results showed that sub-district quality-of-life management models improve the quality of life of people in the community by being self-reliant. The essential factors are as follows: 1) Community leadership, 2) Network participation, 3) Social support, 4) District constitution or collective agreement, 5) Team Plan Activity Result (TPAR), 6) Social capital and 7) Quality of Life. The lessons learned from sub-district quality-of-life management models shows how to improve the quality of life of people in the community on a self-reliant basis based on social costs, resources, and culture, with community leaders playing an essential role in leading the community towards development. In the following study, the sub-district quality-of-life management model should be studied by enhancing the power of network partners and driven by the sub-district statute for communities to have a good quality of life, physical health, happiness, financial happiness, and harmony.


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How to Cite

Seekud, P., Phumcharoenwat, T., Kimchai, K., & Pinitdee, P. (2022). Lessons learned from quality-of-life management models in sub-districts of Northeastern Thailand. Journal of Medicine and Public Health, Ubon Ratchathani University, 5(1), 35–43. Retrieved from https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jmpubu/article/view/252235



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