Sexual health perception for pregnancy prevention among university students in Chon Buri province


  • ฐิติกานต์ บัวรอด คณะสาธารณสุขศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยบูรพา
  • ชิดชนก แก้วพรรณนา คณะสาธารณสุขศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยบูรพา
  • เสาวนีย์ ทองนพคุณ
  • สาวิตรี วิษณุโยธิน โรงพยาบาลมหาราชนครราชสีมา


Teenage pregnancy, Sexual health, Participation, University


This was qualitative research aiming to explore teenage pregnancy’s problem with cooperation of model development about preventive pregnancy health literacy promotion among teenagers in a university of Chon Buri province. Samples were 17 lovers between female and male university students totally 52. Method of data collection was based on Participatory Rural Appraisal: PRA by focus group using semi structured interview as a tool. Data were analyzed by content analysis and were presented in comparative information, informative creation and conclusion, and causative and connective information. Analysis of teenage pregnancy problem revealed thoughts of the lovers that there were many entertainment venues surrounding academic communities. Also, the most of university students were from provincial town. Living without their parents made them live freely and curious to try. Consequently, they had sexual risk behaviors leading to be especially premature pregnant. Their view of teenage pregnancy solutions was found that the lovers suggested involved organizations to do campaign of pregnancy preventive behaviors promotion. The most important intervention was awareness creation about pregnancy prevention for all university students. Besides, they thought that applying of sexual literacy into activities let participants to learn appropriate sexual behaviors resulting in safe sex and safe pregnancy. Results illustrated that the lovers had awareness about need of being a part of society to prevent teenage pregnancy. Therefore, government organization, non-government organization, community, and mass media should participate to prevent and resolve teenage pregnancy in community in order to create networking for sustainability of working.


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How to Cite

บัวรอด ฐ. ., แก้วพรรณนา ช. ., ทองนพคุณ เ. ., & วิษณุโยธิน ส. . (2020). Sexual health perception for pregnancy prevention among university students in Chon Buri province. Journal of Medicine and Public Health, Ubon Ratchathani University, 3(1), 68–76. Retrieved from



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