Nursing care of the patient with sepsis and acute renal failure: A case study


  • จุรีรัตน์ เกิดโสฬส กลุ่มงานการพยาบาล โรงพยาบาลวังหิน อำเภอวังหิน จังหวัดศรีสะเกษ


Sepsis, Acute renal failure, Pender’s theory


Sepsis is considered a significant public health problem, which affected people’s lives.  Therefore, the public health worker should have awareness and recognize the need for a nursing care plan for these patients. This study is a case study, which aims to study the health care promotion and nursing care plan for sepsis patients with acute renal failure. The case study will provide appropriate and safe care for the patients. Hence, a case study conducted to sepsis patients with acute renal failure, who admitted to Wanghin hospital from June to August in 2019. The 35 years old man, walked in Wanghin hospital in the emergency room. He had a fever, headache, and look weak for two days. From nursing assessment by search out severity (SOS) is 2 score and found that he had two clinical of systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS); fever and 14,200 u/L white blood cells. In this case, there are 5 major problems as the following; 1) septic shock 2) impaired renal function 3) the patient's discomfort form headache and body pain 4) prone to dehydration due to poor intake, and 5) patients and caregiver concern. The objective of this study is to apply the Pender’s theory, which is a health belief and health promotion model for a framework in nursing care for sepsis or septic shock patients with complications. By applying the measure along with standard treatment, the patient recovered and was discharged within 4 days of hospitalization. Thus, the key to success in nursing care is to emphasize the nursing assessment, prompt nursing care, and proper health education including medication compliance and monitoring abnormal signs or symptoms in order to enable the patient to have a good quality of life. Therefore, this study could be complementary information to a clinical practice guideline for holistic nursing care in a sepsis patient with acute renal failure.


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How to Cite

เกิดโสฬส จ. (2020). Nursing care of the patient with sepsis and acute renal failure: A case study. Journal of Medicine and Public Health, Ubon Ratchathani University, 3(1), 56–67. Retrieved from



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