The study of implementation according to occupational health and environmental medicine services standard among Sub-District Health Promoting Hospitals (SHPHs) in Office of Disease Prevention and Control Region 10 Ubon Ratchathani


  • วงศกร อังคะคำมูล The Office of Disease Prevention and Control 10, Ubon Ratchathani


Occupational Health and Environmental Medicine Services, Sub-District Health Promoting Hospitals, Quality operation


The cross-sectional descriptive study aimed at evaluating and studying operational efficiency according to Occupational Health and Environmental Medicine Services (OHEMS) practices standard among Sub-District Health Promoting Hospitals (SHPHs) in the Office of Disease Prevention and Control, Region 10 (ODPC10). The data was collected by using OHEMS practices standard assessment form for 433 SHPHs and quality performance assessment with 8 SHPHs who voluntarily participated in activities. Data were analyzed and interpreted using assessment criteria with descriptive statistics and content analysis. The results found that 51.7% of SHPHs has self-assessed according to OHEMS practices standard, which more than the indicators of the Department of Disease Control is greater than or equal to 30% of SHPHs in the responsibility area. Most of SHPHs self-assessed that does not pass the criteria (76.4%) and passed the starting level to upper 23.6%. The components that did not pass the criteria were component 1: management for support the OHEMS (73.2%), followed by component 5: operations of environmental medicine services (56.6%), respectively. The qualitative performance assessment was found that 6 SHPHs passed the starting level, which passed criteria in component 1: management for support the OHEMS (53.3% - 60.0%), and component 3: proactive services for labors, and who are affected by environmental pollution (50.0% - 61.1%). Therefore, SHPHs should develop the quality of OHEMS practices standard, ODPC and Provincial Public Health Office need to support upgrade the quality of OHEMS practices standard and development of personnel capacity building training continuously.


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How to Cite

อังคะคำมูล ว. (2019). The study of implementation according to occupational health and environmental medicine services standard among Sub-District Health Promoting Hospitals (SHPHs) in Office of Disease Prevention and Control Region 10 Ubon Ratchathani. Journal of Medicine and Public Health, Ubon Ratchathani University, 2(3), 156–165. Retrieved from



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