The factors that associated with non-alcoholic fatty liver in patient undergo screening ultrasound in Detudom Royal Crown Prince Hospital, Detudom district, Ubon Ratchathani province


  • ชุติมันต์ อุดมพรมงคล กลุ่มงานรังสีวิทยา โรงพยาบาลสมเด็จพระยุพราชเดชอุดม อุบลราชธานี


Fatty liver, Metabolic syndrome, Ultrasonography, Cholesterol


This cross-sectional study was conducted in non-alcoholic patients who went to screening ultrasound of the whole abdomen in Detudom Royal Crown Prince Hospital, Detudom district, Ubon Ratchathani Province from July 2016 to July 2018. The data was collected from HOS-XP. The purpose of this study is to determine factors associated with non-alcoholic fatty liver. The total participants were 300 patients. The results revealed that 60.7% were female, 39.3% were male, 41.3% had metabolic syndrome which found in females more than in males (79%:21%). The fatty liver was found in 138 patients (46%) which also found in females more than in males (71%:29%). There is a significant correlation between sex and fatty liver (P-value=0.001). The body mass index, weight, waist, triglyceride cholesterol levels had a significant difference between patients with fatty liver and patients without fatty liver (P-value<0.05). This study also shows that female, obesity which body mass index ≥ 23 kg/m2, waist >90 centimeters, or triglyceride cholesterol level > 150 mg/dl having significant increase risk to develop fatty liver by using multiple logistic regression method (P-value <0.05). Based on the results of this study, it should be used to guide the management in patients with the fatty liver to reduce the injury of hepatocytes which can induce to develop hepatitis and cirrhosis. The patients with fatty liver should be suggested to weight control,   decrease waist and body mass index. The blood test for triglyceride cholesterol levels to determine dyslipidemia should be considered in a high-risk patients. However, the routine blood test of triglyceride cholesterol levels in patients with fatty liver needs further study, especially about cost-effectiveness.


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How to Cite

อุดมพรมงคล ช. (2019). The factors that associated with non-alcoholic fatty liver in patient undergo screening ultrasound in Detudom Royal Crown Prince Hospital, Detudom district, Ubon Ratchathani province. Journal of Medicine and Public Health, Ubon Ratchathani University, 2(3), 182–192. retrieved from



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