Assessment of the searching and screening program for steroid recipients and patients from steroids in 10th Public Health Region


  • เด่นชัย ดอกพอง งานคุ้มครองผู้บริโภค ฝ่ายเภสัชกรรมชุมชน โรงพยาบาลขุขันธ์


Screening, Steroid users, CIPP Model, Public Health Region


This research aimed to assess the Project for searching and screening for steroid recipients and patients from steroids in the 10th Public Health Region by using the CIPP Model in 4 aspects including context, input, process, and output. Data were collected from January – April 2017. Samples included 31 project coordinators. Quantitative data were collected using the questionnaire. Qualitative data were collected from focus groups and in-depth interviews with the project coordinators. Data were analyzed by using statistics including frequency, percentage, and means. The result on the context assessment found that this project was a vital issue in the area at a high level (mean=4.03), which was consistent with the health district policy at a high level (mean=3.65). The input assessment was found that the project was cooperated by the community, health-promoting hospital staff, and community hospital staff at high level (means=4.06); the budget received was appropriate at high level (means=3.77); the support on the steroid detection kit was appropriate at high level (mean=4.35); the academic support during the operation was appropriate at moderate level (mean=3.47). The process assessment was found that the activities performed at the district level were appropriate at a high level (mean=4.26); the activities performed at the district level were appropriate at a high level (means of 4.35); the follow-up of the operation was appropriate at a high level (mean=3.97). The output assessment was found that the operation was achieved under the target at a high level (mean=3.77), the coordinator of the project was satisfied for 87.10 percent. Therefore, the project should be extended to cover every country in every village in order to search for patients and bring them into the correct treatment system.


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How to Cite

ดอกพอง เ. (2019). Assessment of the searching and screening program for steroid recipients and patients from steroids in 10th Public Health Region. Journal of Medicine and Public Health, Ubon Ratchathani University, 2(3), 166–173. Retrieved from



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