The development model of pulmonary tuberculosis prevention in elderly by the process of community participation in SaKaeo province


  • ดารารัตน์ โห้วงศ์ สำนักงานสาธารณสุขจังหวัดสระแก้ว อำเภอเมือง จังหวัดสระแก้ว
  • ปิยะณัฐ วิเชียร สำนักงานสาธารณสุขจังหวัดสระแก้ว อำเภอเมือง จังหวัดสระแก้ว


Pulmonary tuberculosis, Elderly, Prevention model, Community participation


Pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) among elderly is still remaining a public health problem and still lacks of an appropriate and effective prevention model. This action research was applying the concept that proposed by Kemmis and  McTaggart, comprising four steps: planning, acting, observing and reflecting (PAOR) to develop a model for pulmonary tuberculosis prevention in elderly by using of  community participation process. By studying in the area of  Tapraya sub-district, Tapraya district, SaKaeo province. There are 2 groups of samples consist of  1) 30 person were purposive sampling from public health personals, community leaders, public health volunteers, the local administrative organization personnel, represent of elderly person and  the expertise  in TB and 2) 30 elderly person in experimental group were purposive sampling from Tapraya sub-district  who received a developed model for TB prevention. All of them were attending the workshop research process during October 2018 - January 2019. The quantitative data were collected from the questionnaires, knowledge examine, interview and TB screening form. Data were analyzed with descriptive statistics and paired T-test. The qualitative data were collected by interviews and observations. Qualitative data were analyzed with the content analysis method. The results found that there are 4 steps in the effective model for pulmonary TB prevention in elderly by the process of community participation. The 4 steps consisted of 1) improvement of knowledge about tuberculosis and encouraging health promotion among elderly 2) improvement and refreshing a knowledge of TB for public health personal and community core teams 3) encourage a high effectiveness of active screening TB method among elderly such as verbal screening, mobile chest X-ray and GeneX-pert testing 4) improvement of continuing care for TB patients in hospital and community. The results of try out prevention TB model among elderly found that;  after using this prevention model, a post test mean difference score of  TB knowledge ,perceptions of TB prevention and TB prevention behavior score are higher than pretest significantly (p-value <0.005).   Therefore, a model of TB prevention in elderly induces populations in the community involved in every stage of operation, and can be used for pulmonary TB prevention in elderly and high performance.


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How to Cite

โห้วงศ์ ด., & วิเชียร ป. (2019). The development model of pulmonary tuberculosis prevention in elderly by the process of community participation in SaKaeo province. Journal of Medicine and Public Health, Ubon Ratchathani University, 2(2), 83–94. retrieved from



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