Health problems and illness in farmers: literature reviews on occupational health and social sciences perspectives


  • วงศกร อังคะคำมูล สำนักงานป้องกันควบคุมโรคที่ 10 จังหวัดอุบลราชธานี


Health problems in farmer, Occupational health, Socio-anthropology, Socialist feminism, Political economy


Health problems and illness among farmers were described in various theories. This article was aimed to present the reviewed literatures of health sciences theory focusing on the occupational health approach and sociological theories focusing on the socio-anthropological, socialist feminism, and political economy. The results found that: (1) Occupational health describes health problems, occupational diseases and illness, stress, and work injuries caused by health hazards and an unsafe working conditions. (2) Socio-anthropology describes workers suffering, disillusionment, despair, stress, violence, and suicide caused by agricultural knowledge dissonance both local and modern methods, agricultural individualization, agricultural revolution has caused farmers to face modern method by themselves, and marginality of agriculturists. (3) Socialist feminism explaining the female farmers’ health problems and illness caused by inequality in the production process between female and male, oppressed and exploited of patriarchy and capitalism in investment, marketing, and employment, and forced to use intensively pesticide. (4) Political economy explaining the health problems and illness in alienation, such as physical disorders, stress, conflict, violence, and suicide were caused by exploited, oppressed from capitalists, powerless to control the production process and materials, production competition, hustling work, used intensively pesticide, and reducing their own value. This article will be useful for determining the research framework and explaining health problems and illness in the future and help to set guideline for solving health problems and illness that covering the root causes of the health problem.


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How to Cite

อังคะคำมูล ว. (2019). Health problems and illness in farmers: literature reviews on occupational health and social sciences perspectives. Journal of Medicine and Public Health, Ubon Ratchathani University, 2(1), 53–65. Retrieved from



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