Development of the model for promoting child development at birth to 5 years old using the family involvement in Phusing district, Srisaket province


  • ชิรากร บุญลี กลุ่มบริการปฐมภูมิและองค์รวม โรงพยาบาลภูสิงห์ อำเภอภูสิงห์ จังหวัดศรีสะเกษ


Promotion, child development, newborn to 5 Years old, family participation


Promotion of child development is the most important way to enhance their learning skills such as cognitive, emotion, languages, and physical movements. A family participant is a key success for promoting child development as well. However, most parents still lack the knowledge and skills to stimulate their child growth. This action research aimed to identify the situation of promotion of child development at birth to 5 years old and develop a model for promoting child devilment at birth to 5 years old by means of the family participation. In-depth interview method, focus group discussion, and the child-development assessment tool was used to collect data. The descriptive statistics were used to analyze the effectiveness of the child-development model. The results indicated that there were 50 children with delayed development. 38% of them were raised by their grandparents. 64% of grandparents graduated from primary schools. 70% of grandparents had the knowledge and skills to evaluate child development. The results of the child development model consisted of 4 components including 1) caretakers must have knowledge and skills to basically assess child progression. They can stimulate child development in all stages. In addition, caretakers have to transfer and consult with health providers about the information of their children regularly. 2) Kindergarten teachers must have knowledge and skills for screening, evaluating and stimulating the child development. They must transfer children with delayed development to health providers. 3) Health officials, kindergarten teachers, and caretakers must continuously plan, monitor, evaluate and organize activities to motivate suspected children with delayed development.  4) Clinic service systems should be managed separately from others and must have adequate tools and materials. The clinic services must include referring systems, consult with specialists, and proactive service systems to follow children with delayed development at home continuously. After the model implementation, we found that 45 children changed to proper child development and 5 children remained with delayed development. Therefore, health officers should encourage primary caregivers in families to participate in evaluating and stimulating programs of child development at homes regularly for increasing the chances of appropriate child development in all stages and learning skills.


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How to Cite

บุญลี ช. (2019). Development of the model for promoting child development at birth to 5 years old using the family involvement in Phusing district, Srisaket province. Journal of Medicine and Public Health, Ubon Ratchathani University, 2(1), 23–33. Retrieved from



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