Community care team working behavior pattern of mental health promotion in aging at risk


  • Suda Wongsawad Bureau of Mental Health Promotion and Development, Department of Mental Health
  • Dusadee Yoelao Behavioral Science Research Institute, Srinakharinwirot University
  • Narisara Peungposop Behavioral Science Research Institute, Srinakharinwirot University


aging at risk, community care team, mental health, promotion, working behavior


          Objectives Preliminary report about community care team working behavior pattern of mental health promotion in aging at risk.
          Materials and methods Emancipatory action research was conducted in Nakornnayok and Chachoengsao between November 2016–May 2017. The sample were 48 co-researchers: government offi cers, health volunteers, older people’s family members and 22 interviewed of elderly risk group. Research instrument consists of In-depth interview form for co-researchers, observation guideline. The data collections were observing participatory style of target group, in-depth interview, brainstorming and focus group. Content analysis and descriptive analysis were applied for qualitative and quantitative data respectively.
          Results In preparation research process; community care team working behavior pattern of mental health promotion in aging at risk was a passive style and depended on selves’ willingness. In conducting research process; cycles of developing the theorem; 6 initial working pattern were produced, cycle of working behavior pattern developing; 8 patterns were resulted. After completing research process: 8 working behavior patterns were fi nally proposed.
          Conclusion Community care team working behavior pattern of mental health promotion in aging at risk was proposed in 8 patterns: 1) making conversation, listening and touching 2) frequent home visiting 3) giving health care and well-being 4) personal assisting 5) confl ict mediating between care giver and elderly 6) attentive facilitating elder’s need 7) being patient and adjusted 8) giving health care advices.


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How to Cite

Wongsawad S, Yoelao D, Peungposop N. Community care team working behavior pattern of mental health promotion in aging at risk. J Ment Health Thai [Internet]. 2018 Aug. 29 [cited 2024 Sep. 20];25(3):187-99. Available from:



Preliminary report