Factors related to occupational safety behaviors in Myanmar migrant workers working in small and medium enterprises (SMEs): A case study of an electro-deposition plating factory in Chachoengsao province, Thailand

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Neenchayanoot Polsakdech
Mondha Kengganpanich
Pratana Satitvipavee
Noppanun Nankongnab
Ariya Bunngamchairat


Thailand tends to import more workers from neighboring countries due to labor shortage problems and often relies on this group of workers for jobs that most Thai workers rarely choose to do. However, studies on occupational safety behavior among migrant workers coming to work in Thailand are still rare, especially in the small business group. The purpose of this research is to study factors related to the work safety behavior of migrant workers in small and medium enterprises. A cross-sectional study was conducted on a sample of 84 Myanmar migrant workers who came to work in Thailand under a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) in a steel parts plating factory in Chachoengsao Province. Data were collected using questionnaires, facilitated by the use of interpreters. Descriptive statistics were employed using numbers, percentages, means, medians, and standard deviations. For analytical statistics, Chi-Square and the Fisher Exact Test were utilized.

The study results revealed that personal factors of the sample group of Myanmar foreign workers related to length of stay in Thailand, the length of employment at the factory, overtime work, safety training history, and proficiency   in Thai listening and speaking skills were identified as factors significantly associated with work safety behavior at the 0.05 significance level. (c2= 3.909 p-value = 0.048, c2= 7.591 p-value =0.006, c2= 4.598 p-value =0.032, c2= 4.508  p-value =0.034, c2= 6.364 p-value =0.012, and c2= 4.054 p-value =0.044, respectively). Other factors, including sex, age, the highest level of education attained, marital status, shift rotation, receipt of work safety training at this factory, near-miss incidents, and experiences of actual accidents or injuries during work were not related to safety behaviors. Furthermore, Thai reading and writing skills, safety knowledge, safety attitude, and perceptions of safety culture were found no significant relationship to safety behaviors.

                  Based on the study results, it is recommended to extend similar investigations to migrant workers across various types of SMEs. Regular studies should focus on activities promoting safety behavior, including an examination of mental health factors and background aspects that may influence factory work behavior. Additionally, fostering safety communication in the workplace is crucial, employing both the Thai language and the workers' ethnic language, along with symbolic communication. This approach aims to foster understanding and familiarity, eventually establishing a safety culture within the organization.

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How to Cite
Polsakdech N, Kengganpanich M, Satitvipavee P, Nankongnab N, Bunngamchairat A. Factors related to occupational safety behaviors in Myanmar migrant workers working in small and medium enterprises (SMEs): A case study of an electro-deposition plating factory in Chachoengsao province, Thailand. IUDCJ [Internet]. 2024 Jun. 14 [cited 2024 Jun. 29];9(1):293-312. Available from: https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/iudcJ/article/view/269252
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