Epidemiological Characteristics and Risk Factors of Cluster Outbreaks Food poisoning and Acute diarrhea in Thailand during the Year 2018 - 2022

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Kritpisut Maitongngam
Yuwadee Kaewpradab


Food poisoning and acute diarrhea are caused by contamination with pathogenic microorganisms or toxins. The pathogens that cause food poisoning are Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus cereus, Clostridium perfringens, Vibrio parahaemolyticus, etc. The pathogens that cause acute diarrhea are protozoa, helminths, parasites, bacteria such as E. coli, Salmonella spp., Staphylococcus aureus, or viruses such as Rotavirus, Norovirus etc. Food poisoning and Acute diarrhea are also classified as gastrointestinal and waterborne diseases that are still important public health problems, ranking among the top 10 with the highest number of cases and cluster outbreaks throughout the year. Therefore, there is a gathering of epidemiological studies on characteristics and risk factors of cluster outbreaks of food poisoning and acute diarrhea in Thailand during 2018-2022. This is a descriptive and analytical study purpose to study the epidemiological characteristics and risk factors of cluster outbreaks of food poisoning and diarrhea in Thailand during the year 2018 -2022. The epidemiological study of cluster outbreaks identified 18,837 patients, with 26.03% males, 62.38% outpatient treatments, 97.45% Thai nationals, and 23.77% presenting with diarrhea as the most common symptom. There were 27 deaths, with 55.56% being female. Inpatient treatment accounted for 85.19%, and all of them were of Thai nationality. Nausea and vomiting were the most common symptoms in 25.00% of cases. The outbreaks could occur throughout the year, with the highest incidence in the 1st Public Health Region and Chiang Mai Province at 8.92%, and residences were the most common outbreak locations at 34.71%. When classifying the pathogen/toxin types, it was found that the majority were unidentified at 21.85%. Furthermore, the study identified statistically significant food-related risk factors for cluster outbreaks of food poisoning and acute gastroenteritis in Thailand. These included spicy curries, egg dishes (such as preserved eggs, boiled eggs, and steamed eggs), seafood, and the personal hygiene of food handlers as risk factors for foodborne and acute gastroenteritis cluster outbreaks. Therefore, policy determination or food sanitation measures include creating awareness and knowledge about personal hygiene. It is also important for the prevention and control of food diseases and acute diarrhea in Thailand.

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How to Cite
Maitongngam K, Kaewpradab Y. Epidemiological Characteristics and Risk Factors of Cluster Outbreaks Food poisoning and Acute diarrhea in Thailand during the Year 2018 - 2022. IUDCJ [Internet]. 2024 Jun. 14 [cited 2024 Dec. 22];9(1):175-90. Available from: https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/iudcJ/article/view/268294
Research Articles


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