Behaviors to prevent infection with COVID-19 of residents in slum communities, Bangkok area

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Jariya Matrongduang
Nappawut Cheunban
Pawana Sutipanwihan


      This analytic cross-sectional study aimed to study behavior to prevent infection with coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) and factors related to behavior to prevent infection with COVID-19 of residents in slum communities in the Bangkok area. Data was collected from 12 slum communities during January - June 2022. The total number of respondents was 1,820 people. The research tool in this study was a questionnaire consists of 3 parts: part 1 general information, part 2 health information, and part 3 behavior to prevent infection with COVID-19. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and multiple logistic regression. The results of the study found that the respondents’ behavior to prevent infection with the COVID-19 was at a fair level of 82.54 percent and a good level of 17.46 percent. Factors related to behavior to prevent infection with COVID-19 included congenital diseases and history of infection with COVID-19. People with congenital diseases and have a history of infection with COVID-19 they have behaviors of preventing infection COVID-19 not as good as it should be. The reason why behavior to prevent COVID-19 disease is at a fair level may be due to the physical limitations of the community making it difficult to adhere to actions. For example, limited living space for physical distancing and handwashing in places where public utilities are not good. This can be used as suggestions for designing suitable options for the slum community.

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How to Cite
Matrongduang J, Cheunban N, Sutipanwihan P. Behaviors to prevent infection with COVID-19 of residents in slum communities, Bangkok area. IUDCJ [Internet]. 2024 Jun. 14 [cited 2024 Dec. 22];9(1):162-74. Available from:
Academic Articles


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