A Study on the Incidence of Latent Tuberculosis Infection among Household Contacts Group and the Success Rate of Treating Latent Tuberculosis Patient with the 3HP Regimen in Surin Province, 2022

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Household contacts of tuberculosis (TB) patient are more exposed and have a higher risk of getting a latent TB infection than others.  Recently, Surin province has discovered both new and recurrent TB diagnosis 816 patients accounting for 41.36 percent of its population, resulting in a much higher risk of transmitted cases among these TB patient’s household groups together but the lower rate of success in oral drug therapy. This study aims to study Surin’s prevalence rate of TB patient home residents and the success rate of 3HP formula treatment in 2022.

                    This study was a cross sectional descriptive study starting from January, 1st to December, 31st, 2022.  Patients were examined with IGRA QuantiFERON-TB Gold Plus (QF-Plus).  Results found 169 patients with a latent TB infection from the overall 816 patients.  One-fifth of the patients (20.72 percent) accepted drug treatment and 164 patients received latent TB medications (97.04 percent).  The success rate of oral drug therapy was 90.85 percent (149 cases) with only 15 drug-termination cases due to fever (6 cases/3.66 percent) and body rash and itch (5 cases/3.05 percent). TB is a profound challenge for both Thailand and global public health system. TB patient home residents have a much greater exposure and latent TB cases can progressively turn into clinical TB cases. Therefore, a follow-up measure should be conducted annually in order to successfully forecast the future TB prevalence rate in advance.

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How to Cite
MONCHARTREE P. A Study on the Incidence of Latent Tuberculosis Infection among Household Contacts Group and the Success Rate of Treating Latent Tuberculosis Patient with the 3HP Regimen in Surin Province, 2022. IUDCJ [Internet]. 2023 Dec. 19 [cited 2024 Dec. 22];8(2):279-92. Available from: https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/iudcJ/article/view/266087
Research Articles


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