The Development of the management model for prevention and control of COVID-19 outbreak among migrant workers in medium and large construction camps in urban areas. A case study at Huai Khwang district, Bangkok, Thailand

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Nalinee Suwanpanich
Busaba Supawattanabodee


The purpose of this research was to develop a management model for the prevention and control of the spread of COVID-19 among migrant workers in construction camps in urban areas. The study used mixed method both quantitative and qualitative study and  was divided into 2 phases: Phase 1 was a study of readiness for public health emergencies of the Center for Disease Control Operations in Huai Khwang district, Bangkok and the second phase is a study to develop a management model for disease prevention and control in public health emergencies among migrant workers in medium and large construction camps in urban areas. The sample consisted of working group according to the structure of the Huai Khwang Disease Control Operation Center public health personnel, public health service center 25, Huai Khwang, construction camp’s chief safety officers or those in charge of occupational health, medium and large construction camps by selecting a specific sample. The data collection was done by using questionnaires and interview method. Quantitative data were analyzed using basic statistics and qualitative data were analyzed by content analysis. The results of the study showed that (1) The Overall readiness for public health emergencies of the Huai Khwang Disease Control Operation Center in Bangkok was moderate in the field of information systems, important information and incident management and response. (2) The management model for disease prevention and control in public health emergencies among migrant workers in medium and large construction camps in urban areas must have an incident command system structure. The Regional Disease Control Operations Center consists of (1) Incident Commander and Deputy Incident Commander, (2) Operation Section, (3) Planning Section, (4) Support Section, (5) Finance and Administration Section, (6) Strategy and Technical Section, and (7) Risk Communication Section in order to increase the efficiency of management in disease prevention and control.

The results of the study showed that (1) The Overall readiness for public health emergencies of the Huai Khwang Disease Control Operation Center; Bangkok was moderate in the field of information systems important information and incident management and response. (2) The management model for disease prevention and control in public health emergencies among migrant workers in medium and large construction camps in urban areas must have an incident command system structure. The Regional Disease Control Operations Center consists of (1) Incident Commander and Deputy Incident Commander, (2) Operation Section, (3) Planning Section, (4) Support Section, (5) Finance and Administration Section, (6) Strategy and Technical Section, and (7) Risk Communication Section In order to increase the efficiency of management in disease prevention and control.


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How to Cite
Suwanpanich N, Supawattanabodee B. The Development of the management model for prevention and control of COVID-19 outbreak among migrant workers in medium and large construction camps in urban areas. A case study at Huai Khwang district, Bangkok, Thailand. IUDCJ [Internet]. 2023 Dec. 19 [cited 2024 Dec. 22];8(2):146-60. Available from:
Research Articles


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