PM2.5 related knowledge and preventive behavior among grade 10-12

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Raynhuga Nabunyareuk
Pannapat Srikullayanunt
Supakorn Prempree
Pavarisa Thepsena
Sasicha Chotikut
Panissara Ingkapak
Nattapat Naokaew
Thammaporn Pimtong
Punnisa Phongthanapanich
Pancheewa Prasong
Anshisa Phongchaisrikun
Karanyu Onna-ngam1
Khemika Sripanwong
Pincha Tantisak
Sujimon Mungkalarungsi


The particulate matter with diameter less than 2.5 micron occurs every year and tends to increase resulting in health problems for individuals. At last, people should have good knowledge to protect themselves from exposure to particulate matter of PM 2.5. This research aims to explore the knowledge about PM 2.5 and preventative behaviors against the particulate matter in order to study the predictive factors towards preventative behaviors and knowledge. This was a predictive research study. An online questionnaire (Google Forms) was developed to study the population of students among grade 10-12 participants which are infinite number of population, the sample size of 346 was calculated by Cochran formula. However, there were 918 students voluntary and completed an online questionnaire. The data from the Google Form was collected from June 1, 2023 to June 15, 2023. As the data were analyzed with descriptive statistics, including frequency, mean, percentages, standard deviation, and inferential statistics such as multiple regression analysis.

This study comprised a total of 918 participants. Most of the participants were female (n= 612, 66.8%) and had no underlying diseases (n= 750, 81.7%). In terms of receiving health news, most are from internet channels/social media (n= 736, 80.2%). The subject participants revealed a moderate level of knowledge about PM 2.5 (n=411, 44.8%), moreover, looking more precisely at each question, the top question with participants answering correctly was about the impact on the respiratory system from exposure to the particulate matter of PM 2.5. Conclusion, the participants showed a moderate level of knowledge about PM 2.5. In addition, it was found that the participants showed a good level of preventative behavior toward PM 2.5. Therefore, there should be an increased level of knowledge about the health effects of PM 2.5 exposure to improve students' preventative behavior and habits on a regular basis.

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How to Cite
Nabunyareuk R, Srikullayanunt P, Prempree S, Thepsena P, Chotikut S, Ingkapak P, Naokaew N, Pimtong T, Phongthanapanich P, Prasong P, Phongchaisrikun A, Onna-ngam1 K, Sripanwong K, Tantisak P, Mungkalarungsi S. PM2.5 related knowledge and preventive behavior among grade 10-12 . IUDCJ [Internet]. 2023 Dec. 19 [cited 2024 Dec. 22];8(2):95-109. Available from:
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