The health literacy related to preventive behaviors on PM2.5 among urban community: A survey study at Nong Khaem Bangkok, Thailand
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This study is a cross-sectional survey from February to March 2023. The aim of this study is to focus on health literacy and preventive behaviors related to particulate matter with diameter of less than 2.5 microns (PM2.5) in Nong Khaem District, Bangkok. The sample size was calculated by program G*Power with a confidence level of 95% and a questionnaire confidence value of 0.87. To explain the characteristics using descriptive statistics. Logistic regression statistics were used to test the relationship between personal factors and health literacy and behavior to prevent PM 2.5 at the significance level (p-value < 0.05). Statistical analysis was performed using the Statistical Package (SPSS), version 28
The results of the study consisted of a sample of 530 people. Overall, the health literacy in prevention score was moderate at 56.8%. Overall, the prevention behavior score was moderate 51.9%. The results of the association between personal factors showed that age and occupation were statistically significant (p-value < 0.05). In addition, those who know the laws, measures, rules, and regulations of the government in supervising public health from the impact of dust in the Nong Khaem area, Moving along, the results of the association between health literacy and protection behavior against dust less than 2.5 microns were not associated. In this regard, relevant agencies can use the research results as guidelines for determining measures for public health care that may be affected by particulate matter with a diameter of less than 2.5 microns.
The results of the study consisted of a sample of 530 people. Overall, the health literacy in prevention score was moderate at 56.8%. Overall, the prevention behavior score was moderate 51.9%. The results of the association between personal factors showed that age and occupation were statistically significant (p-value < 0.05). In addition, those who know the laws, measures, rules, and regulations of the government in supervising public health from the impact of dust in the Nong Khaem area, Moving along, the results of the association between health literacy and protection behavior against dust less than 2.5 microns were not associated. In this regard, relevant agencies can use the research results as guidelines for determining measures for public health care that may be affected by particulate matter with a diameter of less than 2.5 microns.
Key word: health literacy, preventive behaviors, PM2.5 Bangkok
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