The Effect of Telehealth on Quality of Life and Activity of Daily Living (ADL) in Cerebrovascular Patients at Phaholpolphayuhasena Hospital, Kanchanaburi Province

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Chanakan Anuntariyakoon
Niyada Chinasri


The two groups with pre-test and post-test quasi-experimental study were conducted at Phaholpolphayuhasena Hospital between January and March 2023.The objective of the study was to compare activities of daily living and quality of life in the cerebrovascular patients between routine home visits and Telehealth by video conferences. Sixty subjects were selected by purposive sampling into control and study groups. All subjects received daily activities and quality of life assessment before discharged from the hospital as a baseline data (first week). After discharge, the control group received routine home visits at the 2nd week and the study group received telehealth consultation at the 2nd, 3rd and 4th week. At the six-week after discharge, the control group received home visits again and repeated assessments using the same questionnaires. At the same time, the study group received telehealth consultation and repeated assessments at the 6th week as well. Descriptive statistics were used for data analysis in the same group and Independent Sample T-Test was used for the intergroup analysis.

The mean score of ability to perform daily activities in the both group sat six- weeks after discharge was significantly higher than baseline data (control group was 54.33+15.18 vs 86.00+15.66, p<0.001 and study group was 86.67+14.24 vs 96.00+7.24, p<0.001, respectively). The mean score of quality of life was higher as well, (control group was 56.46+12.15 vs 77.96+11.38, p<0.001 and study group was 93.20+19.60 vs 108.73+19.69, p<0. 001, respectively). Comparing the two groups, the ability to perform daily activities and quality of life at the 6th week after discharge were not different

In summary, the use of telehealth consultation for home health care in the cerebrovascular patients, including giving knowledge and medical advice, problem-solving planning, nursing care plan, encouragement, and continuous counseling, reveals satisfied results. Patients became aware, empowered and were able to perform better daily-life activities similar to direct home visit. Therefore, applying telehealth consultation in combination or instead of direct home visits may be implemented to the new health care system in the recent situation.


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How to Cite
Anuntariyakoon C, Chinasri N. The Effect of Telehealth on Quality of Life and Activity of Daily Living (ADL) in Cerebrovascular Patients at Phaholpolphayuhasena Hospital, Kanchanaburi Province. IUDCJ [Internet]. 2023 Aug. 22 [cited 2024 Dec. 22];8(1):197-211. Available from:
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