The development of collaboration model among migrant health volunteer for serious disease surveillance prevention and control

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Nitirat Poonsawat
Kaewjai Mathong
Tharnthip Luengtreechai
Tanya Rodsook


The situation of a severe and rapid outbreak of COVID-19  in Thailand during December 2020 was found that more than 90% of those infected people were migrant workers. The purpose of this research was to develop multisectoral collaboration for migrant health volunteers to implement serious diseases control and prevention and to promote COVID-19 vaccine access among migrant workers. This operational research was intervened with purposive sampling in 6 industrial establishments from 3 districts, Bang Khun Thian, Phasi Charoen, and Bang Khae district, Bangkok, during September 2021 – August 2022. The implementation was composed with 1) Planning stage consisted with discussion meeting, to determine the operational guidelines and education model. 2) Practical stage was carried out by exploring behavior, health needs assessment and health status of migrant workers, diseases surveillance, prevention, and control determination together with healthy migrant volunteers who were ready for action, 100 healthy migrant volunteers received knowledge and skill in conducting surveillance, prevention, and control of COVID-19, ATK screening, reporting, coordinating and referring to treatment system appropriately and timely. Two languages of Thai and Myanmar health care prototype media was produced. Primary community health centers were established with migrant volunteer operation, and promoting booster COVID-19 vaccination for 2,681 migrant workers was done. The study tools in this research were corrected in content by qualified persons. 3) Evaluation stage included  workplace  visiting,  empowerment, follow-up, and evaluation. 4) Reflection stage, comprised information return, and reflection of operation result led to improvement in this multisectoral collaboration model for healthy migrant volunteers in outbreak surveillance, prevention, and control. This could reduce the spread of infection widely. This was the creation of participation from all sectors, including government, private sector, civil society, and public sector in surveillance, prevention, and disease control. Therefore, there should be synergies and cooperation with relevant agencies to enhance the results to be comprehensive and effective Including developing a modern database and surveillance system among migrant workers that can be used for operations and decision-making in a timely manner

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How to Cite
Poonsawat N, Mathong K, Luengtreechai T, Rodsook T. The development of collaboration model among migrant health volunteer for serious disease surveillance prevention and control. IUDCJ [Internet]. 2023 Aug. 22 [cited 2024 Dec. 22];8(1):150-66. Available from:
Academic Articles


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