Allergy Related Knowledge and Health Behaviour Preventing Allergy among High School Students

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Achiraya Nitayakosol
Benyapha Kampung
Saranpat Ngampayungpong
Supannaree Thitikunrat
Kanti Sosothikul
Pichayapa Sathiankhetta
Nunnarin Ittisantisuk
Nudtha-undh Narasukparipat
Wannuwat Chainapasak
Charintip Sethaporn
Sujimon Mungkalarungsi


The number of patients with allergies tends to increase every year and more violent environmental health behavior is an important factor that causes allergies. This research is a survey research with the objectives to measure the level of knowledge about allergies, the level of health behavior to prevent allergy and to find factors predicting health behaviors for preventing allergy. The sample consisted of 400 students in grade 4-6 who could access the internet. The instrument used for data collection was the allergy knowledge test and health behaviors to prevent allergy test. The data was collected during October – November 2022. Descriptive statistics and generalized linear model were used to analyze data and predictive factors for health behavior preventing allergy.

                The results showed that level of knowledge (M=11.25, SD=3.16) and health behaviour preventing allergies (M=34.21, SD=5.77) were at a moderate level. Allergy related knowledge was a predictive factor for health behaviour preventing allergy statistically significant (Beta=0.104, p<0.05). In conclusion, allergy related knowledge and how to prevent shall be educated more to lead to better health behaviour preventing allergy. 

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How to Cite
Nitayakosol A, Kampung B, Ngampayungpong S, Thitikunrat S, Sosothikul K, Sathiankhetta P, Ittisantisuk N, Narasukparipat N- undh, Chainapasak W, Sethaporn C, Mungkalarungsi S. Allergy Related Knowledge and Health Behaviour Preventing Allergy among High School Students. IUDCJ [Internet]. 2023 Aug. 22 [cited 2024 Dec. 22];8(1):122-37. Available from:
Research Articles


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