Preventive Behaviors for Tuberculosis in Taxi Drivers at BangkokMetropolitan area

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เวสารัช สรรพอาษา
Suttisa Chanpeng
Treearmorn Wisuttisiri
Mila Issarasongkhram


The purpose of this crossectional descriptive study was to explore the prevalence of preventive behaviors for Tuberculosis (TB) in taxi drivers in Bangkok and the relationship between personnal factors, Health Belive Model (HBM), and TB preventive behaviors. The sample was 444 people in Bangkok. The instruments used were questionnaires asking about personal factors, health belive model, and TB preventive behaviors. Cronbach’s alpha coefficients for the questionnaires were 0.74. Data were analyzed using frequency, percent, mean, standard deviation, Chi-square test, and Pearson’s correlation coefficient.

                The results revealed that the most of taxi drivers in Bangkok are men. They are average age 50.1 years. They’re offen went to meet the doctor when they have TB symptom and don’t used N95 Mask because difficulty breathing. They never have got to communication for preventive TB behaviors. The perception of HBM at a high level. The average income per month related to wearing N95 mask behaviors. The perceive of health belive model related to closed mouth and nose behavior, wearing N95 mask, cleaning in the cars with 70% alcohol, going to meet the doctor when they have got the TB symptoms had the statistically significant. Taxi drivers had low level for Preventive Behaviors for Tuberculosis. The recommendation to developcommunication program for promotion TB preventive behaviors in taxi driver especialy wearing N95 mask behaviors for reduce transmission mobidity and motality of tuberculosis disease.

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How to Cite
สรรพอาษา เ, Chanpeng S, Wisuttisiri T, Issarasongkhram M. Preventive Behaviors for Tuberculosis in Taxi Drivers at BangkokMetropolitan area. IUDCJ [Internet]. 2023 Aug. 22 [cited 2024 Dec. 22];8(1):110-21. Available from:
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