Evaluation of National Master Plan for Urban Disease Prevention and Control, 2018 - 2021

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Suphanna Charoenkul
Manthana Sinsap
Naritha Thakhamsuk
Suksont Jittimanee
Suthat Chottanapund


The study aimed to evaluate the success of the National Master Plan for Urban Disease Prevention and Control, 2018 - 2021. It served as a basis for policy formulation and was used to review the objectives, indicators, strategies, and operational guide to create an action plan for future prevention and control of diseases in urban areas. The study was a qualitative study where data were collected through personal interview and retrospective data obtained from the annual report of the Institute for Urban Disease Control and Prevention (IUDC), the estimated SM program of Department of Disease Control (DDC). The conceptual framework was developed based on the CIPP model, and the data were analyzed using content analysis.              The results showed that this plan was related to SDGs 11 : Sustainable Cities and Communities, the National Strategy, the Master Plan under the National Strategy, the National Strategy, the National Strategy and the reform of the country: public health, the strategy of the Ministry of Public Health, DDC plan, and resolution of the Health Assembly. The input was people's willingness, money and management, but still lacked data and technology for urban disease control and prevention. The process included a participatory planning process, but the implementation of the plan is still ongoing. Product/Output: There was progress in 6 strategies, but effectiveness could not be measured because the indicators in each strategy did not have target values and the master plan had also been applied at the local level. Restructuring, mechanism and communication with stakeholders at all levels are needed for cross-sector collaboration.

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How to Cite
Charoenkul S, Sinsap M, Thakhamsuk N, Jittimanee S, Chottanapund S. Evaluation of National Master Plan for Urban Disease Prevention and Control, 2018 - 2021. IUDCJ [Internet]. 2023 Aug. 22 [cited 2024 Dec. 22];8(1):92-109. Available from: https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/iudcJ/article/view/261283
Academic Articles


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