Burnout management of Bang Bua Thong 2 Hospital personnels during the Coronavirus epidemic situation

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Kavit Zueman


Working is one of the most time spending activities especially in public health personnel. They usually spend one-third of time in their life at work. If they worked in satisfied jobs, they would work happily and efficiently. However, the 2019 coronavirus epidemic affected most of their jobs. They worked under pressure during 2020 to 2022. According to 2019 coronavirus epidemic situation, Bang Bua Thong 2 hospital was changed into field hospital and cohort ward for 5 times. Burnout in personnel occurred due to concern about safety of their health and their family, chronic workload, insufficiency in personal protective equipment (PPE), failure of treatment and chronic stress. The objective is to study burnout in Bang Bua Thong 2 hospital personnel during 2019 Coronavirus epidemic. This research collected data from Bang Bua Thong 2 hospital personnel during November 2022 to December 2022. Data was collected by surveying form and interviewing form that contain personal factor, workload factor, Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) Thai version and small group interview for problem solutions. The study used descriptive statistics for personal factor, workload factor, burnout in personnel and multiple regression analysis (MRA) for analyzing relation between factors.

The results of the research studied in 89 Bang Bua Thong 2 personnel. There are 68 women (76.4%) and 21 men (23.6%). Average work time was 62.5 hours per week. 55% of personnel had sleep deprivation. 55% of personnel had considered about resignation because of work overloaded and 23% because of conflict at work. The study of burden in personnel with Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) showed that burnout from emotional exhaustion in high level was 52.8%, depersonalization in high level was 39.3% and reduced personal accomplishment in low level was 68.5%. From the multiple regression analysis (MRA), factors that affected emotional exhaustion were income, family burden, work experience, psychoactive drugs and thought about resignation. Factors that affected depersonalization were age, income, marriage status, family burden, economic status, sleep deprivation and thought about resignation. Factors that affected reduced personal accomplishment were job position, income, work experience, sleep deprivation and support from colleagues. Suggestions from personnel were allocation of personnel and equipment appropriately to workload, spare equipment for emergency situation and considering suggestions from all involved personnel for acceptable solutions.

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How to Cite
Zueman K. Burnout management of Bang Bua Thong 2 Hospital personnels during the Coronavirus epidemic situation . IUDCJ [Internet]. 2023 Aug. 22 [cited 2024 Dec. 22];8(1):38-57. Available from: https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/iudcJ/article/view/260835
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