Household Infection waste management behavior of people during COVID-19 Pandemic in Pha-Chang-Noi subdistrict, Pong district, Phayao province

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Pimjai Kamthonsirimetha
Samart Jaitae


The objectives of this research were 1) to study household infectious waste management behavior and 2) to study factors affecting household infectious waste management behavior during the outbreak of the Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) crisis. The sample consisted of 216 households and 11 stakeholders of infectious waste management in Pha Chang Noi Subdistrict, Pong District, Phayao Province. The study period was from October 2021 to December 2022. data collection using questionnaires and Focus group representatives Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics. correlation analysis and content analysis.The study found that People's behavior of collecting, sorting and disposing of infectious waste was at a moderate level (=2.03±0.27) by participating in the infectious waste management training in the past 6 months. There was a statistically significant positive correlation with the household infectious waste management behavior (r=0.160, p<0.01). There are guidelines for managing infectious waste in households and communities by 1) infectious waste separation for each household, 2) relevant agencies support infectious waste bins, and 3) having appropriate infectious waste disposal sites.

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How to Cite
Kamthonsirimetha P, Jaitae S. Household Infection waste management behavior of people during COVID-19 Pandemic in Pha-Chang-Noi subdistrict, Pong district, Phayao province. IUDCJ [Internet]. 2023 Aug. 22 [cited 2024 Dec. 22];8(1):28-37. Available from:
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