Analyzing the implementation of policy related to Thai leprosy Strategy: the case study of Leprosy program performance in accordance with related indicators of Raj Pracha Samasai Institute, Department of Disease Control, Ministry of Public Health during the period of 2016 - 2020.

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Saengrawee Rassamecham


This  study  was acknowledge to be success in the policy implementation according to the leprosy strategic plan of Thailand from practice in the leprosy eradication  project under the government performance  indicators at  the Rajapracha Samasai Institute, Department of Disease Control in the period of  2016-2020. Taking the concept of  policy cycle to be specific analyze from the said  policy to apply and evaluate the above policy for applying the General Model including to be analyze success and fail. This study was reviewed by using operational documents & report practice under the  strategic plan in period of  2016-2020, including to  interview in depth 15 staffs of Chief Execution Officers from the central and regional areas to consist of presentation the  analysis results to accord with  the provided objective.

This results was shown that success factors should be clearly policy to indicate the objective and performance and the process of communication  and coordination in every levels of staffs. The failure factors were political to be affected the ability and attention against staffs in the field of leprosy.

Suggestions were 1) Policy Terms in the leprosy strategy should be formulated as a long-term vision (2021-2030) by integrating leprosy plans with regional areas, scale up for finding new case , against stigma and protect human rights. In this regard, authorize to local organizations as an expert, and 2) Practical Terms  should be develop and Implement the Semi Vertical Program, support team and network by acknowledge ,allocating resources, development  public mind in community.

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How to Cite
Rassamecham S. Analyzing the implementation of policy related to Thai leprosy Strategy: the case study of Leprosy program performance in accordance with related indicators of Raj Pracha Samasai Institute, Department of Disease Control, Ministry of Public Health during the period of 2016 - 2020. IUDCJ [Internet]. 2023 Feb. 21 [cited 2024 Dec. 22];7(2):127-38. Available from:
Research Articles


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