Seasonal nature of indoor air quality of outpatient department in lower northern Thailand

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Gobchok Wuthichotwanichgij
Winai Thongchub
Nipaporn Nongthed


A hundred to thousand people who walked in to get the services found uncomfortable and unpleasant odor in the outpatient department of hospital.  The ventilation system which is not appropriate may be the source of spreading pathogens to those people.  The objective to determine the parameter indoor air quality in the outpatient department of the hospital between two seasons.  Six hospitals in five provinces of health region 2 were selected.  The numbers of people in the outpatient department were counted every hour from 07.00 AM – 3.00 PM.  Such the relative humidity, temperature, carbon dioxide, particle, bacteria, and fungi were

measured and recorded for two rounds in summer (May – June) and rainy (August – September).  The results showed that the average of temperature in summer 33.2 (28.7 – 36.3) oC and rainy 31.6 (28.0 – 33.7) oC (p < 0.001), relative humidity in summer 55.3 (40.2 – 74.1) % and rainy 62.1 (49.2 – 77.3) %, carbon dioxide in summer 751.1 (488 – 1,528) ppm and rainy 814.3 (516 – 1,783) ppm, particle-PM10 in summer 66.9 (10.7 – 194.1) µg/m3 and rainy 94.1 (16.3 – 233.5) µg/m3, bacteria in summer 1,549 (307 – 3,087) CFU/m3 and rainy 1,340 (320 – 3,727) CFU/m3 (p = 0.11), fungi in summer 364.6 (154 – 634) CFU/m3 and rainy 841.3 (194 – 1,734) CFU/m3 (p < 0.001). And the number of clients in summer 334 (10 – 1,200) was differ from rainy season 310 (50 – 880) (p < 0.001).  However, some values of measurement every 15 minutes showed not comply with the recommendation such as temperature, relative humidity, carbon dioxide, bacteria, and fungi.  The skew of carbon dioxide is related to a number of people increase, from 08.00 to 11.00 AM and decrease in the afternoon.  The mechanical ventilation such as a vacuum fan, should also be recommended to control indoor air quality. 

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How to Cite
Wuthichotwanichgij G, Thongchub W, Nongthed N. Seasonal nature of indoor air quality of outpatient department in lower northern Thailand. IUDCJ [Internet]. 2023 Feb. 21 [cited 2024 Dec. 22];7(2):51-64. Available from:
Research Articles


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