The Model of Health Risk Communication for Respond to Public Health Emergency of Community in Saraburi Provincial in case of the corona virus disease 2019

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Preecha Opassawas
Yodchai Suwannawong


The purposes of this mixed-method research were study the components of health emergency communication culture of the community in Saraburi Province and development of the health risk communication model for respond to public health emergency of community in Saraburi provincial in case of the corona virus disease 2019. The research was study during June – October 2021. The samples consisted of the experts, the village health volunteers, community leader, and the general public in Saraburi provincial, selected by the purposive sampling and the simple random technique. The semi-structured interview and the questionnaire was constructed and used as tool for data collection; and the data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics inferential statistics and content analysis. It was found that 1. the components of health emergency communication of the community in Saraburi Province concise of 1) Community Leadership Potential, 2) Community

Health Policy, 3) Risk Communication Committee, 4) Community Health messenger,

5) Health Communication traditional, 6) Community Literacy Competency, 7) Learning Community Center, 8) Public Health Network, and (9) Community Participatory and 2. The health risk communication model for respond to public health emergency of community in Saraburi provincial in case of the corona virus disease 2019 consisted of 6 components;

1) Concept of model; (1) All for Health Communication (2) Communicating facts quickly and beneficially (3) Integration of modern media and community media, 2) Principle of model; (1) Raising awareness of responsibility for health communication (2) Develop a health information system (3) Strengthening a culture of health communication (4) Strengthen the community policy on risk communication, 3) Goal of model; (1) People: Health communication literacy (2) Community: Health risk communication system (3) Community: Health information network and learning center, 4) Process of model; (1) Establish a community risk communication working team (2) Establishing community measures on risk communication (3) Community policy announcement (4) Community Center of Health communication literacy (5) Presentation and dissemination of public health information in emergencies (6) Development of media and communication channels (7) Enhance the health risk communication (8) Feed back and Evaluation the health risk communication,

5) Evaluation of model; (1) Satisfied to the usefulness of health information (2) Community health risk communication activities in emergency situations (3) Committee and community strategic plan in emergency health risk communication, 6)Beneficial condition of model; (1) Community leader (2) Risk communicator (3) Local media and community communication channels and 3. The model was considered high level in actually utility (=4.31, S.D.=0.81) and feasibility (=3.91, S.D.=0.55) could be applied to the context of the society in the community in Saraburi Province and the actually utility and feasibility perspective of urban and rural communities were not significant.

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How to Cite
Opassawas P, Suwannawong Y. The Model of Health Risk Communication for Respond to Public Health Emergency of Community in Saraburi Provincial in case of the corona virus disease 2019. IUDCJ [Internet]. 2022 Feb. 27 [cited 2024 Dec. 22];6(2):232-49. Available from:
Research Articles


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