Prevention and control of COVID-19 under Factory Sandbox Guideline in factories in Chonburi Province, 2021

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Wattharee Thongoon
Petcharaporn Meetong
Suganya Sribud


This study was an evaluation study. The objectives were to (1) study the process, (2) evaluate the effectiveness of prevention and control COVID -19 in accordance with Factory Sandbox workplace guidelines, and (3) evaluate health knowledge in COVID -19 insurer prevention, this study was conducted in the area where the performance meets the criteria and can control the disease in the workplace in Chonburi Province at 3 sites, data were collected from company documents, performance assessment form, and health literacy assessment form. Key informants were involved in policy implementation at each factory, totaling 18 individuals with content analysis and a sample of 357 insurers. Data were analyzed using means, percentages, and standard deviations.

The results showed that (1) all three factories were examined by the method RT-PCR 1 time according to the period of risk of spread of infection. and Antigen Test Kit (ATK) examinations were performed weekly, most of which were randomly 5-10% if referring patients were found, treated in contract hospitals or hospitals according to insurance contract for high-risk groups, either in home isolation or factory isolation.

For restrictions, there are some places that did not pass the standardized medical examination. The company will screen patients according to the criteria for admission to factory isolation (FAI) or a Social Security hospital or contract hospital. Currently, all factories vaccinate each employee with COVID -19. They coordinate the 3rd booster vaccination for employees by Chonburi Provincial Industrial Office, Social Security and contract hospital. The disease control measure bubble and seal and measure D-M-H-T-A (2) The evaluation results showed that all three companies scored the highest in terms of control. and care for vaccination (3) The three insurers found that most had good levels of health literacy, 44.40%, 54.95%, and 38.0%, respectively. The most important success factor was the team’s commitment to combating illness in the workplace. Recommendations for implementation are based on the cooperation of the leader, support from the relevant agencies and the development of personal skills.

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How to Cite
Thongoon W, Meetong P, Sribud S. Prevention and control of COVID-19 under Factory Sandbox Guideline in factories in Chonburi Province, 2021. IUDCJ [Internet]. 2022 Feb. 27 [cited 2024 Dec. 22];6(2):177-91. Available from:
Academic Articles


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