A study of Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C virus screening among visitor risk groups At Urban Clinic Innovation Center

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Khammakorn Thiangthangthum
Orawan Wongsathit
Warongkoch Chettaphun
Ubonwan Pusa
Suphatra Sukaseam


Background: Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C virus infection is important in Thailand. Because it causes hepatitis, cirrhosis and liver cancer. Therefore ,the researcher is interested in Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C screening among visitor risk groups. With the objective of finding and referring to appropriate treatment, reducing the spread of infection and the chance of serious illness. Data collection was performed between November and December 2020 , for 208 cases..

Methods: Use the record form of Division of AIDs and STDs, Department of Disease Control. Rapid tests for hepatitis B and C were used for screening. The results were analyzed using descriptive statistics and analytical statistic by paired t-test.

Results: Among the 208 cases, 62% were female, most of them were between 50-59 years old 26.9%. The majority of status was married 43.8%, single 40.4%, Buddhism 96.9%, Thai nationality 84.4%. The occupations found were government officer 20.7%, and 18.3% were employed. They had underlying disease 36.5%, most of them hyperlipidemia 25.0%. The screening results showed 2 cases of hepatitis B virus infection and 1 cases of hepatitis C virus infection, total of 3 cases. The risk of infection both hepatitis B and hepatitis C virus is a person born before 1992, and a medical worker who had been struck by a sharp object while working. The risk of hepatitis C infection including receiving blood component before 1992. While the risk of hepatitis B infection including person who have had sex without a condom, person who has tattooed skin, ear piercing, acupuncture in non medical places, and sharing sharp objects such as razors, nail clippers.

Conclusion: The visitors at risk should be screened for hepatitis B and C, for further finding and referring to appropriate treatment. According to the goal of eliminating hepatitis.

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How to Cite
Thiangthangthum K, Wongsathit O, Chettaphun W, Pusa U, Sukaseam S. A study of Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C virus screening among visitor risk groups At Urban Clinic Innovation Center. IUDCJ [Internet]. 2022 Feb. 27 [cited 2024 Dec. 22];6(2):218-31. Available from: https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/iudcJ/article/view/253251
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