Modified Bubble and Seal Applying for the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Outbreak Control in Textile Industrial Establishment, Phasi Charoen District, Bangkok.

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Nitirat Poonsawat
Tanya Rodsook
Kaewjai Mathong
Tharnthip Luengtreechai
Amornchai Trikunakornwong


This Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak in April 2021 occurred in large markets of the central region and transmitted widely in many provinces in Thailand. While in Bangkok, the epidemic clusters was found among Burmese workers in industrial establishment and was still continuously. If this outbreak could not control, it might cause of serious impact on the overall of national level in both with health and economy. The purpose of this study was to develop model for COVID-19 outbreak control in the textile industry applying modified bubble and seal model. The model was intervened during 1 – 28 February 2021 in a textile industry establishment in the Phasi Charoen district, Bangkok.

The study of Covid-19 outbreak investigation was found that almost of those infected patients were asymptomatic with 72%. In addition, the most common symptoms

include cough, new loss of smell and runny nose. The 4.57% and 0.72% of patients from workplace and community, respectively were found from active case finding (ACF).The implementation of measures consisted with 1) all patients/infected people were  admitted to the hospital for treatment. 2) Workplace had been closed for cleaning, ACF, social distancing, work equipment cleaning, hands wash, eating time lapse, seal route tracking from work and accommodation, and daily employees symptoms screening and observation. The community awareness, clarification, participation, screening, and tracking were created. MorChana application was recommended to use for journey recording and rapidly disease investigation. The descending morbidity result from 3.19% to 0.18% was found, which could reduce the outbreak in the area and prevent the disease spreading to other areas obviously. Training courses “Foreigner Public Health Volunteers” should be developed to take care of health and disease prevention among migrant workers. Community health centers (Health Posts) should be established to provide basic public health services and

create vaccine providing mechanism for migrant workers.

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How to Cite
Poonsawat N, Rodsook T, Mathong K, Luengtreechai T, Trikunakornwong A. Modified Bubble and Seal Applying for the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Outbreak Control in Textile Industrial Establishment, Phasi Charoen District, Bangkok. IUDCJ [Internet]. 2022 Feb. 27 [cited 2024 Dec. 22];6(2):133-49. Available from:
Academic Articles


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