Quality Evaluation of Tuberculosis Prevention and Care in Prison, Health Region 4, Fiscal Year 2021

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Suchanwat Somsorn
Tanyong Oiemporn


The cross-sectional descriptive study aimed to study an evaluation of a quality of tuberculosis prevention and care in prison in health regional 4, fiscal year 2021. The study population in this study were 18 prisons and correctional institution in in health regional 4. Data collecting by assessment of quality of tuberculosis prevention and care in prison from Institute of Tuberculosis, Thailand. Analyze the statistics used as descriptive statistics such as frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation. The results of the study showed that out of 18 prisons and correctional institutions passed 18 places (100%), the average total score was 97.39 (gif.latex?\bar{x}= 97.39, SD = 1.79). The mean score classified by measures were tuberculosis prevention measures 18.78 points ( gif.latex?%5Cbar%7Bx%7D = 18.78, SD = 1.06), TB case finding and screening measures 19.22 Points ( gif.latex?%5Cbar%7Bx%7D =19.22, SD = 0.73), TB treatment measures 19.44 Points (gif.latex?%5Cbar%7Bx%7D = 19.44, SD = 0.51), TB caring and assessment measures 19.94 points (gif.latex?%5Cbar%7Bx%7D = 19.94, SD = 0.24), and a management measure 20.00 points  (gif.latex?%5Cbar%7Bx%7D = 20.00, SD = 0). Suggestion from this study should be actions to prevent and control tuberculosis, there should be an expedited screening of the first inmates poisoner, provision of thermometer and relative humidity in the drug warehouse, and Including the development of TB patient information management system and referral to TB patients upon transfer or discharge to reduce the spread of tuberculosis leading to a reduction in the incidence of tuberculosis in prisons.

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How to Cite
Somsorn S, Oiemporn T. Quality Evaluation of Tuberculosis Prevention and Care in Prison, Health Region 4, Fiscal Year 2021. IUDCJ [Internet]. 2022 Feb. 27 [cited 2024 Dec. 22];6(2):112-21. Available from: https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/iudcJ/article/view/252747
Research Articles


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