Policy conversion success in Diabetes and Hypertension care toward healthcare facilities in healthcare of health service provider board office 3: NCD clinic plus 2021

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Kriangkamol Muankrud
Wasinee Tosamran
Siripak Makkawan
Pajaree Udomsuk


This Mixed Methods Study, Sequential Transformative aimed to study policy conversion success Diabetes and Hypertension care toward healthcare facilities in Healthcare of Health service provider board office 3. The study period was from March to September 2021. Three groups of population were selected. The tool used were interviews and questionnaire, content validity 0.84, confident =0.70. The data were analyzed using percentage mean standard deviation and content validity. The Results were 1) Policy analysis results, Operational support system NCD

Clinic Plus was this policy arises from the district and central, goal policy was clear, this objectives were to reduce sickness, reduce dead, reduce complications and risk factor management. Policy strengths were indicator of ministry, management pays attention, the manuals/guidelines are detailed. Weakness were some indicator need to budget monitoring suspected sick group and less employee. The outcome of process has assessment analysis online, Develop IT support operations and drive engagement from local and all sectors and innovate in the area. 2) The Model of service arrangement was less 1 time/week and the manuals/guidelines NCD Clinic Plus & Online. Overview to development needs ( =3.44, S.D. = 0.72), information system ( =3.49, S.D.= 0.84), service arrangement of community development ( =3.49, S.D. = 0.77), support and management myself system ( =3.46, S.D. =0.73) the direction of policy ( =3.35, S.D.=0.72), respectively 3) Success from provide service Diabetes and Hypertension care, Overview guarantee assess was passes 76.72 (Level good, 75-79). 4) The Satisfaction of customer service was blood draw and pressure measurement ( =4.13, S.D. = 0.73), assessment of CVD Risk ( =3.82, S.D. = 0.64) respectively.

Problem and obstacles in working, the employee for service not enough with service recipients, lack of multidisciplinary, develop information system and service arrangement of community. Not enough place for service, waiting see a doctor, the employee for service not enough, the standard for blood draw, etc. Recommendations for policy and practice, Development for service 1) Should drive policy to the District Health Board. 2) Should strengthen and expand the coverage to local government organization. 3) Should empower of multidisciplinary for patient care. And 4) Should monitoring, directing, and evaluate the results coverage service patient care. Service Diabetes and Hypertension care 1) Should develop service arrangement system; the place was suitable for patient care. 2) Should monitoring and evaluation system after the patient comeback home for change behavior lifestyle. 3) Should reduce congestion; provide some services for patient care and management to reduce time see a doctor at hospital.

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How to Cite
Muankrud K, Tosamran W, Makkawan S, Udomsuk P. Policy conversion success in Diabetes and Hypertension care toward healthcare facilities in healthcare of health service provider board office 3: NCD clinic plus 2021. IUDCJ [Internet]. 2022 Feb. 27 [cited 2024 Dec. 22];6(2):85-100. Available from: https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/iudcJ/article/view/252666
Academic Articles


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