Knowledge, Attitude and Drug Resistance Preventive Behaviors of People in Bangkok, Thailand

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Nina Lawicki


The objective of this research is to study influencing factors of drug resistance preventive behavior. This is a descriptive research that studied a group of population over the age of 15 that lives in Bangkok. They were invited to participate in completing an online questionnaire. A total of 400 people participated during May - June 2021. Drug resistance related knowledge, attitude toward prescribed antibiotics and drug resistance preventive behavior were assessed. For findings, the population revealed good knowledge about drug resistance with a mean score of 11.24 and favorable attitudes toward prescribed antibiotics with a mean score of 26.16. The population reported moderate engaging in drug resistance preventive behavior with a mean score of 39.58. Pearson’s correlation shows positive relationship between attitude toward prescribed antibiotics and drug resistance preventive behavior (r=.320**, p=0.01). Drug resistance related knowledge and drug resistance preventive behavior are also in positively related (r=.124*, p=0.05). Generalized linear model shows that having a positive attitude toward prescribed antibiotics (Beta=.282, p<0.01) and career (Beta=0.095, p=0.05) predicted the adoption of preventive behaviors. This study suggests that people should be informed with an in-depth knowledge and dangers of drug resistance in order to create public awareness which could be done by spreading news through online media and include it in health education or biology in school’s curriculum.

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How to Cite
Lawicki N. Knowledge, Attitude and Drug Resistance Preventive Behaviors of People in Bangkok, Thailand. IUDCJ [Internet]. 2022 Feb. 27 [cited 2024 Dec. 22];6(2):71-84. Available from:
Academic Articles


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