Knowledge, Attitude, and COVID-19 Preventive Behaviors among Thai people in Pa Kor Subdistrict, Mueang District, Phang Nga Province

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Napatsawan Reawreab


The objective of this research is to study knowledge, attitude, risk perception of getting COVID-19 and COVID-19 preventive behavior. This is a descriptive research that studied a group of residents in Pakor Muang Phang-nga in Thailand. Sampling groups were invited to participate in completing the questionnaire distributed by hand to each house in the area. A total of 418 Pakor residents participated during May - July 2021. COVID-19 related knowledge, attitude toward preventive behavior and COVID-19 preventive behavior

were assessed. For findings, participants revealed good knowledge about COVID-19 (n=10.19, SD=1.56), favorable attitudes toward preventive behaviors (n=14.71, SD=1.05) and moderate risk perception of getting COVID-19 (n=13.99, SD=6.07). Participants reported always engaging in COVID-19 preventive behavior (n=52.95, SD= 4.22) from a total of 55 scores. There were positive correlation between knowledge about COVID-19, attitude toward prevention, risk perception of getting COVID-19 and preventive behavior (r= .174**, r=.456** and r=.137**, p<0.01) statistically significant. Having a positive attitude toward COVID-19 preventive behaviors (Beta= .186, p <0.01), risk perception of getting COVID-19 (Beta= .186, p <0.01), knowledge about COVID-19 (Beta= .153, p <0.01), and living arrangement (Beta= .094, p <0.05) predicted the adoption of those preventive behaviors. From the study, we recommend consistently promoting updated knowledge about COVID-19 to the public through various effective channels that the public aware and adopt COVID-19 preventive behaviors relevantly.

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How to Cite
Reawreab N. Knowledge, Attitude, and COVID-19 Preventive Behaviors among Thai people in Pa Kor Subdistrict, Mueang District, Phang Nga Province. IUDCJ [Internet]. 2022 Feb. 27 [cited 2024 Dec. 22];6(2):37-51. Available from:
Academic Articles


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