Coronavirus Disease Control 2019 with Community Quarantine Model Clean Community Anti Covid 2019; CCA Case Study of a Slum Community in Thaweewatthana, Bangkok

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พญ.สุธี สฤษฎิ์ศิริ
โสภณ เอี่ยมศิริถาวร
พิไลพันธ์ พุธวัฒนะ
สุรัคเมธ มหาศิริมงคล
ปรีดา แต้อารักษ์
ณัฐฐิญา โสพิศพรมงคล
ศิริพร งามขำ
ธิติพร คมแท้
สุรีรัตน์ อุสารัมย์


In April 2021, Thailand faced the 3rd Wave of Coronavirus 2019 outbreak (COVID-19) especially Bangkok with crowded populations. The British strain (B.1.1.7) was found to spread 1.7 times faster than normal strains. The patients had asymptomatic after in early infection until the symptoms be severe. Many problems with the allocation of medical resources. According to the disease investigation found that personal hygiene measures were neglected, go to high risk areas, concealment and not quarantine. Until May 8, 2021, the Surveillance and Rapid Response Team has been notified 1 case of COVID-19 at slum community which risk to be widespread because it is a shop in crowded community. Researchers interested in developing a community quarantine model for controlling the coronavirus outbreak 2019; Clean Community Anti Covid 2019. Objectives to study community quarantine measures and develop guidelines for disease surveillance and control systems. This research done during 8 May 2021 and 4 June 2021 start at the day that know the 1st patient, close contact tracing, active case finding, re-examination in high-risk contact after 14 days of community quarantine and 21 days (7 days after opening the community) by Real time RT-PCR and antibodies. The results showed that there were 4 rai of land in the community, with a total population of 196, 31 houses. 54.6% were female, mean age of 35.56 + 21.10 from 7 months to 86 years old, with 38 cases of infection (19.39%). The first case found May 8, 2021 (CCA day 0), the last case 21, 2021. All 38 patients lived in seven homes, had relationships and engaged in activities with members of the first patient's home. In each house, the number of people infected for 50-100% of the number of members in each house. All members of the house were found to have infection (100%), 3 out of 7 (42.86%). The 35 patients (64.81%) found at first time but 3 patients (5.56%) who were high risk contact found infection at second time. After CCA 14 day, the 160 high-risk persons got blood test for antibodies, 14 persons (77.78%) at home of patients and 135 persons (98.54%) Immune was not found. On CCA 21 day, after 7 days of community opening, all persons were not found immunity. Therefore, if Covid-19 occurs in a slum community, measures should be followed.

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สฤษฎิ์ศิริ พ, เอี่ยมศิริถาวร โ, พุธวัฒนะ พ, มหาศิริมงคล ส, แต้อารักษ์ ป, โสพิศพรมงคล ณ, งามขำ ศ, คมแท้ ธ, อุสารัมย์ ส. Coronavirus Disease Control 2019 with Community Quarantine Model Clean Community Anti Covid 2019; CCA Case Study of a Slum Community in Thaweewatthana, Bangkok. IUDCJ [Internet]. 2021 Aug. 30 [cited 2024 Dec. 22];6(1):152-74. Available from:
Research Articles


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