Influencing factors of Drug Resistance Preventive Behavior of Grade 10-12 students in Bangkok

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จิดาภา รัตนถาวร


The objective of this research is to study factors influencing behavior leading to drug resistance. This is a descriptive research that studied a group of Mathayom 4-6 students of Triamudom Suksa School in Bangkok. All students of Triamudom Suksa School were invited to participate in completing an online questionnaire. A total of 366 students participated during Mar - April 2021. Drug Resistance related knowledge, attitude toward preventive behavior and preventive behavior were assessed. For findings, the students revealed Good knowledge about drug resistance 87% (n = 322) favorable attitudes toward preventive behaviors 87.97 % (n= 322). The students reported always engaging in preventive behavior 57.9 n = 208) 12 behavior  analyzed.  Having a positive attitude toward preventive behavior of drug resistance  (Beta =.332, t=6.338, p<.001) and monthly income (Beta =.204, t=3.884, p<.001) predicted the adoption of those preventive behaviors.


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How to Cite
รัตนถาวร จ. Influencing factors of Drug Resistance Preventive Behavior of Grade 10-12 students in Bangkok. IUDCJ [Internet]. 2021 Aug. 30 [cited 2024 Dec. 22];6(1):111-24. Available from:
Research Articles


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