The comparison of leprosy treatment outcomes among Thais and other nationalities of the Center for Urban Disease Control and Prevention. 2008 – 2017

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เขมกร เที่ยงทางธรรม
สุพัตรา นิลศิริ
วรงค์กช เชษฐพันธ์


Background: This retrospective descriptive study aims to find the differences between the characteristics, treatment outcomes, and nationalities (Thai vs Non-Thai) among the leprosy patients in the Skin Clinical the Center for Urban Disease Control and Prevention. To control leprosy in the community and prevent grade 2 physical disabilities, early disease detection and treatment are significantly important.

Methods: This retrospective descriptive study is comprised of samples from 68 leprosy patients. The form used for recording data collection in this research was developed by the Department of Disease Control and also used at the Center for Urban Disease Control and Prevention during the 2008 – 2017 period. The statistics used were percentage, mean, and standard deviation, Chi-square and paired t- test.

Results: Among a cohort of 68 leprosy patients (86.76%) were Thai and ​(13.24%) were from other nationalities. Most of them were male, Thai (64.4%) and (66.7%) from other nationalities respectively. The Thai age range between 56 and 65 years old was 23.7% and the other nationalities age range between 25 and 35 years old was 33.3%. Most of them were self-employed Thai (52.5 %) and Non-Thai (66.7%) respectively. The living rate related to the leprosy disease of Thai living in Bangkok and Phatumtani Province was  (30.5, 25.4%, respectively). Other nationalities living in foreign areas and Phatumtani Province was (44.4, 33.3 %, respectively). Both Thai and other nationalities received     

multi-drug treatment (79.7, 88.9%, respectively). More than half had 1-5 years of symptoms before treatment (54.2, 55.6%, respectively). Clinical manifestation of bilateral skin lesions that were present but were not erythematous plaques was  (54.2, 77.8%, respectively). Groups of other nationalities relation to drug allergies during treatment was (11.1 %, p < .05). Completed treatment in Thais and other nationalities was (76.3, 66.8%, respectively), but lost contacts in other nationalities were (22.2%) more than with Thais (6.8%), over 3 times as many.

Conclusion: This study has shown that leprosy patients of other nationalities have seen a drug allergy during treatment and have had more lost contacts than with Thais. Thus, a plan to follow up treatment and study the problems and obstacles in caring for leprosy patients, reduce the distribution of leprosy in the community, and prevent grade 2 physical disabilities should be sought according to the goal of leprosy prevention and control.

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How to Cite
เที่ยงทางธรรม เ, นิลศิริ ส, เชษฐพันธ์ ว. The comparison of leprosy treatment outcomes among Thais and other nationalities of the Center for Urban Disease Control and Prevention. 2008 – 2017. IUDCJ [Internet]. 2021 Aug. 30 [cited 2024 Dec. 22];6(1):67-86. Available from:
Research Articles


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