The Effectiveness of Active Risk Management Model for Sepsis Surveillance of In Patient Department of Kaeng Khoi Hospital

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ยอดชาย สุวรรณวงษ์


The purpose of this quasi-experimental research (One-Group Pretest-Posttest Design) was to study the effect of Active Risk Management Model for Sepsis Surveillance of In Patient Department of Kaeng Khoi Hospital. The 84 Multidisciplinary health Worker of Kaeng Khoi Hospital which were selected by purposive sampling and the research volunteers received the activity of the Model and conducted for 3 months (September - November 2020). The instruments used in this research were the active Risk Management Model for Sepsis Surveillance, the Sepsis Surveillance Questionnaire, and the data report on Sepsis rate of In Patient Department of Kaeng Khoi Hospital during 2017-2020. The data were analyzed using percentage, mean, and paired t-test.   

The research findings showed that the mean scores of Knowledge on Sepsis Surveillance and the Sepsis Surveillance behavior was significantly higher than that before developing in the Active Risk Management Model at the statistical level of 0.05 and an incidence rates for sepsis hospitalizations was lower than that before developing in the Active Risk Management Model at 12.37 percent.

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How to Cite
สุวรรณวงษ์ ย. The Effectiveness of Active Risk Management Model for Sepsis Surveillance of In Patient Department of Kaeng Khoi Hospital. IUDCJ [Internet]. 2021 Feb. 26 [cited 2024 Dec. 23];5(2):78-100. Available from:
Research Articles


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