Occupational health service in Wangsapong Hospital, Loei Province : Study in Government Lottery Vendor group, Wangsapong District, Loei Province 2019

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Ronarong Sripol


            Quasi-experimental on Occupational health service provision in Wangsaphung Hospital, Loei Province. To aim this service must be affecting health in informal workers and informal labors group. Spent 8 months (October 2019-May 2020). Experimental group (Pre-test 807 sample, Post test 729 sample ) in the Government Lottery Vendor group that the same persons. Data collection: qualitative data collected by

participatory action research in prototype to aim prototype brain storming that plan to develop on occupational health service, quantitative data collected from HDC and health behaviors. Statistical used by frequency percentage and Paired t-Test

               The results: From this study found that all of them had satisfied on occupational health service provision in significant level .000. The doctors diagnose occupational disease Y96 in 776 persons. This study should be expand to intermediat care. Concludtion: from development on Occupational health service provision, health informal workers and informal labors group were receive all aspects of service and Wangsaphung Hospital is the first hospital level district be a leader on Occupational health service provision.

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How to Cite
Sripol R. Occupational health service in Wangsapong Hospital, Loei Province : Study in Government Lottery Vendor group, Wangsapong District, Loei Province 2019. IUDCJ [Internet]. 2020 Sep. 5 [cited 2024 Dec. 23];5(1):107-2. Available from: https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/iudcJ/article/view/243668
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