Health Literacy and Health Behaviors (Food,Exercise,Emotion,Smoking and Alcohol Cessation) of Teachers in One of the High School

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อรนงค์ คงเรือง


The purpose of this survey research was to check the level of health literacy and health behaviors (food, exercise, emotion, smoking and alcohol cessation) of teachers in one of the high school. and find the relationship between personal factors, health knowledge and health behavior of teacher personnel Secondary. The samples were teachers in one of the high school, 114 people. Use questionnaires as tools for data collection, Between December 2019 to January 2020. Receive 100 completed questionnaires (87.72 percent), use descriptive statistics. Spearman  correlation coefficient for data analysis.

The results of the research showed that health literacy of teachers overall is at a fair level, The average score is 69.03. Found that the first 3 problematic components are, Access to information and health care services, Communication to increase health expertise, managing their own conditions for health promotion, the lowest level. While health behaviors, the lowest level Average rating 21.83.The personal factors health literacy and health behaviors of teachers do not different. The relationship between health literacy and health behavior of teacher personnel, Found that accessing to information and health care services, Managing their own conditions for health promotion and knowledge of overall health, There is a relatively low positive correlation with the health behavior with statistical significance.

Suggestions from research, Should proceed to promote, intercept the dissemination of incorrect information via online media. Such as drug information Dietary supplement products and claims of properties, Which is harmful to health. By linking the work of related departments, And promote the health knowledge of teachers. Become dispersed, Understanding, Knowledge of health intelligence for good health.Including  being cunning in choosing what to consume. The decision to believe in advertising or other information and have a flair for applying knowledge to benefit one's self and others.

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How to Cite
คงเรือง อ. Health Literacy and Health Behaviors (Food,Exercise,Emotion,Smoking and Alcohol Cessation) of Teachers in One of the High School. IUDCJ [Internet]. 2020 Sep. 5 [cited 2024 Dec. 23];5(1):44-62. Available from:
Research Articles


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