Comparison of Echocardiographic Results in Breast Cancer Patients Before and After Receiving AC Chemotherapy
Echocardiographic, Breast Cancer Patients, AC Chemotherapy DrugsAbstract
Background: Echocardiography, called Echo, is a heart examination that helps in diagnosis of disease, prognosis, and detection of severity as well as effectively monitor the results of treatment for cardiovascular disease. This includes among breast cancer patients receiving AC (Adriamycin and Cyclophosphamide) chemotherapy, who must undergo echocardiography. Because in some patients, abnormal heart rhythms may occur. Therefore, every breast cancer patient should have an echocardiogram. To enable safe and effective treatment of breast cancer patients both before and after receiving AC chemotherapy.
Objective: 1. To evaluate the echocardiographic results in breast cancer patients before and after receiving treatment with AC chemotherapy and 2. To compare the echocardiographic results in breast cancer patients before and after receiving treatment. Treated with AC chemotherapy
Method: This research is a quantitative research. Retrospective data collection form from medical records with a form to record the echocardiography results. The sample group was 233 breast cancer patients treated with AC chemotherapy during the period from fiscal year 2021 to 2023. Data were recorded on 1) The size of the atrial muscle; Left 2) The size of the shape of the left ventricle during relaxation. 3) The thickness of the left ventricular septum during relaxation. 4) The thickness of the back wall that separates the left ventricle during relaxation. 5) The size of Shape of the left ventricle during contraction 6) Volume of blood pumped out of the left ventricle in one contraction 7) Mitral valve 8) Aortic valve 9) Tricuspid valve spid 10) Pulmonary valve and the data was analyzed to find percentage values. Frequency distribution and Dependent sample T-test statistics for comparing echocardiographic results in breast cancer patients before and after receiving treatment with AC chemotherapy.
Results: 1. Personal data of breast cancer patients treated with AC chemotherapy revealed that most were 41-50 years old (41 percent), had chronic diseases, high blood pressure (32 percent), and the stage of their cancer. Breast is stage 2 (37 percent) and the dose of chemotherapy Obtained by calculation from the patient's weight and height, most BSA values are around 1.60 - 1.69 (65 percent). 2. Echocardiographic results of breast cancer patients before and after being treated with AC chemotherapy. It was found that most breast cancer patients both before and after being treated with AC chemotherapy. It is normal. 3. The echocardiographic results of patients with breast cancer after receiving treatment with AC chemotherapy have an average increase before receiving treatment with AC chemotherapy at a level of statistical significance. 0.05
Conclusion: The echocardiographic results of breast cancer patients before and after receiving AC chemotherapy were mostly normal. It was found that the echocardiographic results of breast cancer patients after receiving chemotherapy were normal. AC treatment had an increase in the mean value before receiving treatment with AC chemotherapy at a statistical significance at the 0.05 level.
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