Factor Affecting Length of Stay Longer Than 2 Hours of Critical Patients (Triage Level 1,2) in Emergency Department of Hua Hin Hospital, Prachuap Khiri Khan


  • Flight Lieutenant AORAWAN SAIBUATONG Emergency Physician Emergency Department, Hua Hin Hospital


critical patients (triage level 1,2), length of stay longer than 2 hours in emergency department, overcrowding in emergency room


Background: The use of emergency department services is increasing globally. The subsequent problem is emergency room overcrowding, leading to various issues such as increased waiting times, higher mortality rates, longer hospital stays, staff fatigue, and patient dissatisfaction. The Thai Ministry of Public Health set goals to develop a comprehensive emergency medical care system and referral system (Emergency Care System: ECS) from 2018 to 2022. The target was to have less than 2 hours waiting time for critical emergency patients (levels 1 and 2) in A, S, and M1 level hospitals, aiming to reduce overcrowding and mortality rates. Based on statistics from Hua Hin Hospital (S level hospital), in 2020, only 53.11% of critical emergency patients were seen within 2 hours, which did not meet the ministry's standards. Therefore, researchers studied the data to find the causes.

Objective: To study factors affecting the length of stay longer than 2 hours of critical patients (levels 1 and 2) in emergency department at Hua Hin Hospital, Prachuap Khiri Khan Province.

Methods: Data were collected from the emergency room patient records at Hua Hin Hospital, Prachuap Khiri Khan Province, from October 1, 2021, to September 30, 2022. Statistical analysis using independent t-tests, Chi-square tests, and multiple logistic regression was conducted to identify the factors most strongly associated with a length of stay longer than 2 hours in the emergency room.

Results: A total of 757 patients were included in the study. Factors significantly associated with a length of stay longer than 2 hours in the emergency room were specialized physician consultation at the emergency room (adjusted OR = 3.085, 95% CI 1.716-5.547, P-value < 0.001), endotracheal intubation (adjusted OR = 2.059, 95% CI 1.256-3.375, P-value = 0.004), and the first examining physician being intern (adjusted OR = 1.597, 95% CI 1.093-2.334, P-value = 0.016).

Conclusion: Specialized physician consultation at the emergency room, endotracheal intubation and the first examining physician being intern are the three main factors affecting the length of stay longer than 2 hours in the emergency room for critical emergency patients levels 1 and 2 at       Hua Hin Hospital. Further studies are warranted to find solutions to address each factor's issues.



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Factor Affecting Length of Stay Longer Than 2 Hours of Critical Patients (Triage Level 1,2)   in Emergency Department of Hua Hin Hospital, Prachuap Khiri Khan




How to Cite

SAIBUATONG, F. L. A. (2024). Factor Affecting Length of Stay Longer Than 2 Hours of Critical Patients (Triage Level 1,2) in Emergency Department of Hua Hin Hospital, Prachuap Khiri Khan. Hua Hin Medical Journal, 4(2), 1–13. retrieved from https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/hhsk/article/view/267084



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