The Effect of Clinical Supervision Model in Nursing Care Process for Nurse


  • sasithorn bampenphon Nursing Department, Nongprue hospital


Clinical supervision model, Using the nursing process, professional nurse


Background: Clinical supervision is an important process for nursing administrators to promote the quality of the nursing process. The goal is to ensure the quality of patient care, create a good working environment, and develop nursing skills.

Objectives: The objective of this study is to compare the level of knowledge and utilization of the nursing process, as well as satisfaction with supervision, among nurses who have undergone clinical supervision.

Methods: We used a quasi-experimental research design to measure the impact of clinical supervision on the knowledge and use of the nursing process by professional nurses. The study consisted of two phases: before and after the implementation of clinical supervision. Our sample population included 38 professional nurses with at least one year of work experience. We utilized the Proctor Clinical Supervision Model, which assesses knowledge and use of the nursing process, as well as satisfaction with clinical supervision. Data was analyzed using descriptive statistics and the Paired t-test to compare the results before and after the implementation of clinical supervision.

Results: The results showed that the knowledge of professional nurses regarding the nursing process significantly improved after clinical supervision. The mean score increased from a moderate level (13.63, SD=1.36) to a good level (15.79, SD=1.09). This improvement was statistically significant (p<.001). Furthermore, the mean score for the use of the nursing process also significantly increased after clinical supervision (from 109.13, SD=7.62 to 125.92, SD=6.87, p<.001). The supervisee's satisfaction with the clinical supervision was also at the highest level. Conclusion: The clinical supervision model has been shown to effectively support professional nurses in gaining knowledge and applying the nursing process to their practice. This not only aligns with professional standard, but also contributes to job satisfaction. Therefore, it is recommended that the nursing management team encourage first-level administrators to adopt this model for the further development of nursing work.


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How to Cite

bampenphon, sasithorn. (2023). The Effect of Clinical Supervision Model in Nursing Care Process for Nurse. Hua Hin Medical Journal, 3(3), 57–71. Retrieved from



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