Prevalence and Associated Factors of Early Onset-to-Hospital Arrival Time of Acute Stroke Patients in Watphleng Hospital


  • sarawut kammaha Medical group, Watphleng Hospital


acute stroke, early hospital arrival, access to healthcare


Background: Stroke is the second leading cause of death and the third leading cause of disability. This disease results from abnormalities in the gradually progressive nervous system, and timely treatment is crucial and highly beneficial. The effectiveness of treatment largely depends on the appropriate timing.

Objectives: To study the prevalence and associated factors of early Onset-to-Hospital arrival time of acute stroke Patients in Watphleng Hospital, Ratchaburi Province.

Methods: This research is a retrospective descriptive study. The sample size was determined by analyzing the power of the test and resulted in a sample size of 133 individuals. Data were collected from medical records between October 1, 2019, and April 31, 2023. A comparison was made between patients who received timely treatment within 3 hours and those who received treatment beyond 3 hours. General statistics were analyzed using descriptive statistics and log-binomial regression for correlation analysis.Results: It was found that 55.6% of acute stroke patients received timely treatment within 3 hours. Multivariate analysis revealed that living alone (adj. PR = 0.25, 95% CI: 0.11-0.57), lower severity of symptoms (adj. PR = 0.98, 95% CI: 0.97-0.99), and symptoms occurring at night (adj. PR = 0.63, 95% CI: 0.44-0.88) were factors preventing timely treatment for acute stroke patients.Conclusions: There should be public awareness campaigns, especially for individuals living alone and the general population. If symptoms occur at night, individuals should promptly go to the hospital without waiting. Creating community awareness about stroke symptoms and the importance of timely hospitalization can lead to quicker treatment and reduced disability in stroke patients.


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How to Cite

kammaha, sarawut. (2023). Prevalence and Associated Factors of Early Onset-to-Hospital Arrival Time of Acute Stroke Patients in Watphleng Hospital. Hua Hin Medical Journal, 3(3), 41–56. retrieved from



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