The Effect of A Group Counseling Program on Promoting Social Intelligence in Adolescents with Depression
group counseling program, social intelligence, depression, adolescentsAbstract
Background: Depression is one of the major problems facing adolescents today. Resulting in the loss of years of health and being violent to the point of suicide. The group counseling program to develop social intelligence and adaptability may help reduce depression in adolescents.
Objective: To study the effects of a group counseling program on social intelligence and depression in adolescents.
Material/Method: This study utilized a quasi-experimental research design with a two-group pre-posttest design. The participants were depressed adolescents divided into two groups: a control group receiving standard nursing care and an experimental group receiving a group counseling program with a CVI of 0.95. The sample consisted of 20 individuals in each group, assigned through simple random sampling. Social intelligence and depression levels were assessed before and after the experiment, and the data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and t-tests.
Results: The initial levels of social intelligence and depression were not significantly different between the experimental and control groups (p >.05). However, after the experiment, both groups showed significant changes in social intelligence and depression (p <.001). Furthermore, there were significant differences in social intelligence and depression between the experimental and control groups after the experiment (p <.05).
Conclusion: Group counseling programs have been shown to increase social intelligence scores and reduce depression in adolescents.
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