Risk Factors Related to Incidence of Fracture Distal End Radius in Emergency Patients of Thayang Hospital


  • Khanawan Tubsrinuan -


Factors related distal radius fracture, Old aged, Osteoporosis, Bone mass density


Background: Fracture of distal end radius is common among osteoporotic patients and tends to increase. Medical and economic resources for diagnosis, treatment, and loss of native hand function are considerably consumed. According to Thayang Hospital records, 20.8% of wrist traumatic patients had distal end radius fracture. This study aims to identify risk factors related to distal end radius fracture for preventive strategy development.

Objective: To study the factors related to fracture of distal end radius in patients who visit the emergency room at Thayang Hospital, Phetchaburi

Methods: This retrospective descriptive study collects data from patients above 16 years old who visit the emergency room at Thayang Hospital. The study gathered age, gender, underlying disease(s), body weight, history of fall and fracture within a year from the HOSXP program during 2019 December 1 to 2021 December 1. Factors related to distal end radius fracture are analysed by t-test independent and Chi-square test. 

Results: According to 144 cases in this study, it is found that 20.8% of patients had distal end radius fracture and are statistically significantly older (61.17 ± 20.07) than one without the fracture (39.20 ± 18.98), (p < 0.05). Underlying diseases: hypertension, dyslipidemia, and viral hepatitis, have a statistically significant correlation with distal end radius fracture (p < 0.05). Genders do not significantly influence to, but prone to have the association with distal end radius fracture (p = 0.056) as females may link to distal end radius fracture. Body weight, chronic kidney disease, diabetes, obesity, HIV infectious disease, stroke, methamphetamine abuse, major depressive disorder, schizophrenia, spondylosis, gouty arthritis, congestive heart failure, benign prostate hypertrophy, and lung cancer, history of fall or fracture within a year, and mechanism of injury are not related to distal end radius fracture. 

Conclusions: Factors related to distal end radius fracture in patients who visit the emergency room at Thayang Hospital are common in general practice. Thus, there should be an annual evaluation of bone mass density in patients with any of these risks; older than 61 years, have hypertension, dyslipidemia, or viral hepatitis to detect osteoporosis. If the osteoporosis is present in the high-risk patients, the main treatment with bisphosphonates is recommended.

Author Biography

Khanawan Tubsrinuan, -



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How to Cite

Tubsrinuan, K. (2023). Risk Factors Related to Incidence of Fracture Distal End Radius in Emergency Patients of Thayang Hospital. Hua Hin Medical Journal, 3(2), 14–25. retrieved from https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/hhsk/article/view/263417



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