Development of an Instructional Program for Enhancing Nursing Innovative Ability among Nursing Student


  • ปาณิสรา ส่งวัฒนายุทธ วิทยาลัยพยาบาลพระจอมเกล้า จังหวัดเพชรบุรี


Instructional program, Nursing innovative ability, Nursing students



Objectives: The objectives of this study were 1) to understand the nursing innovative ability and the factors promoting that ability among nursing students, 2) to develop an instructional program for enhancing the nursing innovative ability for nursing students, and 3) to evaluate the effectiveness of the developed instructional program.

Methods: This research and development study has been divided into three main phases. 1) explored the innovative nursing ability and factors promoting that ability among nursing students by depth interviewing ten students who had already passed the Nursing Care of Persons with Health Problems Practicum 3 for the academic year 2018, and 8 instructors. 2) developed an instructional program and apply for eight students who currently in practice the Nursing Care of Persons with Health Problems Practicum 3 for the academic year 2019. 3) improved the developed instructional program and apply it to the students practiced Nursing Care of Persons with Health Problems Practicum 3 for the academic year 2019. Twenty students were assigned to the experimental group, and 20 students were in the control group. Descriptive statistics and independent t-test were used to evaluate the innovative ability and satisfaction toward the instructional program.

Results: In phase 1st, the nursing students revealed that it was difficult to develop nursing innovation, lacked understanding of innovative processes, and were absent of continuously innovative development. The factors promoting innovative ability are developing a growth mindset, understanding the process of innovation, and operating according to the plan. The factor among the instructors is forming a multidisciplinary cooperation network with learners. In the 2ndphase, developing the five steps instructional program. 1) Open mind, improve mindset and inspiration, 2) understand and identify in-depth problems, 3) form a multidisciplinary team to develop nursing innovation based on empirical evidence, 4) test innovation prototype and continuously monitor, and 5) disseminate, improve innovation and reflect on learning. In the 3rd  phase, after evaluating the effectiveness, the average score regarding improving nursing innovation for the experimental group (mean=36.00, SD.=0.00) is significantly higher than the control group (mean=33.00, SD.=0.92) (p<.01). The satisfaction towards the instructional program is at the highest level (mean=4.80, S.D.=.30).

Conclusion: Developing instructional programs using the concept of growth mindset and evidence-based practice would develop higher nursing innovative ability than the traditional learning group.

Keywords: Instructional program, Nursing innovative ability, Nursing students


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How to Cite

ส่งวัฒนายุทธ ป. (2021). Development of an Instructional Program for Enhancing Nursing Innovative Ability among Nursing Student. Hua Hin Medical Journal, 1(2), 12–25. Retrieved from



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